hmm, religion to blame, havent read all the last posts, but here is my view, if you believe that religion is the cause of all the worlds problems, go to hell lol.

"Yes, it's that simple. Drop the religious plauge and we can have a better world. If you want to read the bible than go ahead but treat it as literature, and shut up about it."

lol this is the most pathetic thing I have EVER heard.
look at the 2 biggest mass-genocides EVER.
Hitler killed jews because they were jews, not because they believed in God. he also killed gypsies, the handikapped, and muslims.
Stalin killed everybody that was relgious or not regardless.

money and power have been the main reason for struggle in the world, communism tried to get rid of it along with religion and look how successfull that was.

I could say that since I am Christian, my views may be biased.

oh and another thing, Christianity DOES NOT say you will go to hell if you dont believe in it. it just says that if you are truly evil that you will go to hell and I quote from the profecys of John in Revelation "Sorcerers, false profits, and murders will be cast into the pit of fire for eternity" . of course Jesus died for sins like this and if you fall into one of these categorys then you will go to Heaven only if you repent. this is the same as saying sorry, so dont take religion wrong, it is a book of morale law.

Darwins survival of the fitest says that it will be easier for a genes to surivive if their is less competition. I could make an argument that evolution seperates people, but I wont because I know that it doesnt.

oh, and if evolution is true humans will continuely devolve into nothingness.

"We evolved feelings only because it was the best way for us to advance and survive, who knows, they might just be one temporary step in the evolution. "

actually, many feelings are useless to humans, and if evolution is true they should be dead to us like our appendixes.