I'm not a mac guy at all, but they seem like they're good if you deal with a lot of graphics.
I don't know where this myth sprouted up, but I'm pretty sure it's completely false. If you want to do any kind of 3d modeling, PC's are light years ahead of Mac's. Most major 3d modeling programs don't even run on Macs. And as far as 2d graphics go, there is no difference. Both machines can run them fine. there is no difference. As far as 3d animation goes, I don't think that 3d studio max (the most popular 3d animaiton software) runs on macs, but I could be wrong. I think the reason that realisti animated movies are made on macs is because the animators are art people and artsy fartsy people are usually the ones that use macs (and cats too, damn fruitcakes).

I have two uncles who do 2d/3d modeling and a little 3d animation, they both use PC's and absolutely hate macs. Other people they know in the business also feel the same way about macs.

I use a mac at work, and I HATE IT. No right-click buttion just drives me insane!!!!