Oh, for goodness' sake! It's obvious that nothing will ever run faster than Assembly Language. That's just a rediculous statement!

  For example, if someone simply told you that they wanted you to make a lasagne, you would have to run around, trying to find ingredients that you think might be useful. After that, you would have to guess how to put them all together. You would end up with something like a lasagne, but it may never quite be how the person wanted it.

  Now, if the person told you exactly what ingredients he wanted in his lasagne and gave you the exact recipe, you would be guaranteed to get it exactly right, just how he wanted it.

  I'm sure you can see what I'm getting at, the first case is a higher-level language like C and the second case is ASM. Regarless of what you do to improve the processor's "cooking" and "ingredient choosing" talents, it will never, ever do things better than if you tell it exactly what to do.

  The only problem, as has been stated, is that the specific ingredients may not be available one day. Also, the recipe that this guy gives you might not come out right on your cooker.

  I think that ASM will always have a place with computers, regarless of how they evolve, simply because the ASM solution is invariably the fastest solution. That will always be an attractive feature for a programmer.