Hmm... I think i'll just add to the confusion here.

My opinion, don't buy branded computers. It's hard for a pre-built computers to answer all your demands. But above all, you'll have complete control on what you want to do with it, how you want to upgrade and with what. Most branded computers impose warranty void situations if you just happen to open your case to include a say cool new CDR drive you just bought.

With computer you built, warranties are the responsability of the parts manufacturers. So if your HD ceased to work, it doesn't matter if you opened the case before or not. Your HD will be within its warranty TOS.

As for parts, I would advice ASUS boards with Intel chipsets and PIII or above processors. Quantum hard drives, Kingston memory and ASUS video card... your milleage may vary. But check out for the best possible case. What you want is some case that doesn't impose on your upgrades. Like the power supply box becoming on top of the processor or the memories (the case I have on my gamming computer sucks. I have to remove the power supply if I want to add memories)...

Just go for the best and expect 3 to 4 months untill you finally have your system completely built. Unless you already have the dough to make your local parts supplier a happy man