>Arabian countries would just come into the Netherlands and
>take a prisoner... without warning. The US is informing the ICC
>that they reserve the right to come get their people with military
>might if deemed necessary.

Yes, but maybe I don't understand WHAT the US would do in a military way. In the media people spoke about an invasion, if that is what the US troops would do, then do would meet the Dutch troops preventing foreign troops from operating in our country. So I guess the word invasion is used incorrect.

>We cannot be grouped together. We are individuals... and are
>certainly at odds with eachother most of the time on policy as
>any democracy is.

I must admit that I was too much generalizing. In future I'll have to make difference between the US government and the US people.

>The nicest, and dare I say truest, thing you have said yet.

Well, I can be nice. But if a lot of peoplem, not all, start shouting without making clear to me what their point is and just tell me that I'm a complete idiot, then I can't make any sense of it. I learnt a lot from elchulo2002 who shared his point of view and explanations with me in a clear way.

>GB is the only country out of Europe (at least that was reported
>by the american press) who contributed a large partt to ground
>war operations against the taliban and al qaeda. the only ones
>that actually fought for us on a significant scale and didn't start
>crying when the bombs started falling...

If the US wants to fight the Taliban and Al Quaeda by a ground war in Afghanistan and if GB wants to help with that ground war, that's fine. But it doesn't mean that other countries should also do.

Al Quaeda is a problem, but you don't solve that problem by starting wars. That will only make the Arabic people believe that the western world is really against them and it gives Arabic countries a reason to attack the western world.