Originally posted by Shiro
>I sincerely doubt that they'd use violence.

Well, I also doubt it. But it is just the idea. The idea that they have accepted that law.

>It usually is, but could you imagine what would have ensued if
>we tried to sit down and have a pow-wow with Hitler?

In the beginning, countries were really friendly against Hitler. The violence started when he began the war. And ofcourse then you can't have a nice chat with him and ask to stop. But that is a very different situation from this. There are people who are caught since they are suspected from war crimes and therefor they are brought to the trial. If their trial is unfair, then it is strange to use violent to get them away isn't it? There would be so many other non-violent solutions to solve that situation.

>but some people aren't - some people just want war, etc.

Yes, it is sad but it is true. BTW, I'm not a hippie, at least I think I'm not, I'm just someone who is against violence.

Ok I am sure that if the US thought that a trial was unfair (maybe because a large part of this "jury" was from a country that hated the US) that the US would try to solve this without violence but if every effort fails, like I said before you gotta do what you gotta do.