I'm more convinced than ever. The .net framework does an incredible job at solving much of the difficulties involving writing applications with unmanaged C++. When you think about it, Microsoft never knew how to program in C++ in the first place. There is no evidence that they knew how to program until they came out with Vs.net C++7.0. This seems to be a good compiler for meeting the C++ standard although I am still testing it. I will have a whole month comming up where I can do this. Go over some of my C++ texts and for the first time be able to compile the program on a Microsoft compiler.

I've found that since I've started reading about .net that I have learned a lot more about unmanaged code like COM, Win32 and in time ATL. Even though these technologies have nothing to do with managed code, the framework combines so many of these technologies that it is difficult not to want to know about them.

The point I want to make is that these older technologies really suck. Any C++er that thinks they should learn those technologies is learning a prefabricated Microsoft brand of C++, that looks a lot like Moderator Govtcheezes ugly face. Welcome to the real world.