I read an article about quantum physics being used in DNA computing, using an interesting concept of quantum physics, where a particle can be in several states at once, or in other words, 1 and 0 at the same time. In DNA, G, T, A, C all at the same time (i.e. all the nucleotide bases). Anyway - they used a spoon of a DNA solution to solve the "City" problem. I forgot the real name for it, but this is it: There's a bunch of cities and a salesman. You have to find the fastest route. The more cities you have, the harder it gets, logorithmically. They used a spoon of DNA to solve the biggest number of citiesever used in the problem. Anyway - I found it really interesting, but unlike most of their other articles, it didn't give any references, so i couldn't follow up or learn anything esle about it. Is anyone working on this or know anyone who is? Even just a URL or something would be great!