Originally posted by stevey

ok what about the Canary iselands...they are next to Morrocco, NOT Spain....if all the Canary islands people want to remain Spanish, is it fair to give the islands to Morocco ?????

ive been to Gibraltar, and everyone spoke English ..mebe they spoke English because i was English i dunno, but anyway if 99% of them want to remain part of the UK cos they are financially better off then i think they have that right....

a lot of our Asian community speak Urdu and other languages at home, but they are still British.....
About the Canary Iselands, I think just the same thing like Ceuta and Melilla, I just gave two examples, but I meant more than the example. Just one point: people from Canary speak Spanish.

About the Gibraltar people speaking English: yes, they spoke English to you because you're English. I've been to Gibraltar lots of times in my life (I grew up quite close to it); and I've met lots of students from Gibraltar when I was living in England. I've been in a house full of students from Gibraltar, and while I was in a room with one of them, I could hear how all the guys next door were speaking Spanish, while watching BBC news. About this case, let me know that it's only an example; just in case...

Although, as Sir Fordy said, we're Europeans (even we don't have the Euro in here yet, but give it a few years...).