DA dont leave. No reason to. We are all given the same 24 hours in a day - its how we allocate them that is different. But totally leaving is just introducing less balance in your life, especially in your time. Simply because now you are going to invest the time spent here into another area, this causing that area to become out of balance and eventually you'll be spending too much time with it.

In the future you are going to have a million things demanding time from you (it gets worse after uni and even worse with family). You just have to allocate and prioritize your time. I know you love programming, but you are also in school. We've all been there at one time or another. Just remember pal that the key to everything in life is balance.

My suggestion to you, as a friend, is to write down all the things that are requiring your time. Figure out how you can allocate certian chunks of time to each thing and then try that for a couple of weeks. The phrase, "I don't have time", is not good. We all have time, but we all don't make time. So if this board and/or programming is taking too much time, just force yourself to allocate a certain chunk of time and dont go past that. Then allocate some time for your studies (I recommend 2 to 3 hours per credit hour - maybe more for calc).

If anything get your stuff done during the week for school and then use the weekend to unwind and do what you enjoy. This got me through college and while not always possible to get everything done during the week, you still need time to unwind or college will drive you crazy.

This will become quite evident when you start attending university. Demands on your time only get worse the older you get and the more responsibilities you take on.

We have talked a great deal in AOL PMs and I respect you greatly. I'm just trying to warn you to not get into the habit of saying I don't have time, when you really may not know how much time you have. Remember - balance. And if you find that something does not fit in your time or priorities, then by all means, dump it because you really don't have time for it. But don't dump the board or programming before you really analyze your time allotments. So don't automatically say you don't have time unless you really know that you don't.

Myself, I need large chunks of time to get things done. My wife, however, only needs 15 to 20 min here and there. Everyone is different so this might not fit you at all. In college I needed a large slice of time to get my work done - small slices really did not help me much. My wife though got bored with large slices of time so short slices worked much better for her. Just get into a pattern and stick to it. You really will be surprised at how much time you have. But, if something really stands out as taking too much time, either drop the allotment of time for it, or remove it altogether.

I would suggest getting a day planner as well for your college years. It may sound very 'geek-like' but it helped me a lot. Also, w/o my day planner today - I'd be lost.

Just trying to help. Time management is not an easy thing to learn.