I was at the hair cutting place today....when I noticed something going on. It was not something visual or really distracting, it was something that couldn't be seen, but that I realized is always going on at hair cutting places.

It is very simple really:

Whether you realize it or not, there is a continuous war going on between men at hair cutting places hoping to get certain haircutters.

It was very evident at this haircutting place however because there were actually 3 young, beautiful hair cutters there...which is not very common....usually you are lucky if you go to a hair cutting place that has 1 good looking hair cutter....

But anyways, as a guy I could sense this war going on between all the other guys in the room....they were all competing for one of the 3 young ones.....even though none of it was visual....it was all a mind war....

very interesting....check it out next time you are at the hair cutting place....

(unfortunately i didnt get any of the 3....dangt....)