Originally posted by Barjor
That thread was funny but not appropriate for this forum. I enjoyed it but I think the mods did the right thing. And no age limit on this board please. And to say that people under 16 don't have anything to say is to generalize things alittle bit to much.
don't kiddies have their own boards : where they can talk about how to talk to girls/boys without wanting to throw up, sqeezing spots, drinking beer when their parents aren't around, being 'elite', how to stop their feet smelling, how cool they are, backstreet boys, spice girls, igniting their own farts, bicycles, scateboards , modern history (ie after 1990), eating in macdonalds, vandalising everything they see, giggling at the girl/boy next doors knickers on the line, who's the coolest singer/actor/whatever, giggling at foreigners/cripples/anyone older than 20, watching buffy/sesame street/whatever, not doing their homework, not going to school, how depressed they are cos fred/nancy/whatever doesn't fancy them, how mean their parents are to make them go to bed b4 11:00pm/get up b4 11:00am/do some chores/use a knife &fork when eating...................etc

actually i guess its a fair point, i'll be watching my language etc etc etc