Originally posted by novacain
>>Osama bin laden uses money from his parents, which likely came from America .He uses American made computers on the american made internet using american made routers and computer parts.

You forgot with CIA training from America.
The money is from construction in the middle east, including roads in Sudan.

He was trained, as were many wealthy Saudi young men, by the CIA to fight a terrorist war against Russia. When he returned to Saudi he was angry that America did not leave and continues to bomb Iraq, over 3000 missions last year alone. When did the war end against Iraq? When will the sanctions end?
He considers Americans invaders in Islams holy land, there to help support the invading Isralies (only there since 1945).
If not for America, the middle east would not be so unstable.
America propped up the Shah of Iran. Then America supplied Sadam against Iran. Then everybody against Sadam. Supplied Afganistan against the Russians and the Isralies against everyone else.

Hey Ronny Raygun even had Iran indirectly helping Nicaraguan rebels. Course he had to sell Iran guns to do it.

If you don't believe me, CHECK.

I seem to have missed the bit where evidence of a crime is presented and the guilty detemined.
Oh thats right it was on CNN so it must be true.
Don't say a word about Kuwait . No. Don't say anything about blowing up Kuwaiti oil derricks and the resulting oil slick.
Of course not. Don't say anything about Saddam's nuclear
project, his biological project. Oh no, no, no, no, no. That wouldn't
be fair. Saddam's a great guy. We all know that. He's protecting
us from the Iranians. And of course it was all a CNN lie that he
invaded Saudi Arabia, too. Tsk, tsk. Shame on them .
And what, save that he was the one responsible for getting our
hostages out of barbaric Tehran, what does Ronald Reagan have
to do with any of this? We talking today, not ancient history.

rick barclay