if america was a democracy we'd be in a state of rebellion, unfortunately under our current system of government we are powerless, therefore whatever the brass decides to do is what will be done.

But in this situation I support america as of now, but if it comes down to something drastic (nuclear attack) there is no way i can still support us, our nuclear weapons are not the puny things we held in hiroshima, the effect of one of todays nukes would definately permanently destroy a portion (or the entire) world, and if we use a nuclear device then china, pakistan, india, cuba, and every other nation with nuclear power who isn't a big fan of uncle sam will be wanting to use one of theirs, and if even one of those countries uses one (it doesn't even have to be against us) another country will arise and use a nuclear or biochemical weapon. Bottom Line: The world will be destroyed if we use nuclear weapons, so yes i'll fight .but only to make sure that it doesn't happen