Why assembly? Well, stupid_mutt, don't use it, just...
... if you want to speed up things and make a real breath-cutting demo ;°)

I was generally speaking of cool effects and demos. If you don't care how C, Pascal etc. libs "unoptimize" your code, don't use assembly. If you don't care about the size of your executable, don't use assembly.

How can you e.g. set the instruction pointer in C or Pascal, not using assembly, which does it through 2 simple instructions:
push value
retf ?

Which compiler will optimize (just some very primitive examples!)

mov ax, 0 to xor ax, ax
or cmp ax, 0 to or ax, 0 ?!

Can you be already sure the higher level language does the right thing? Because I'm not! I love assembly, sorry.

But if you don't care, don't use ASM.

That's my point of view.