Thread: Ok, my teacher wants me to make a site........

  1. #16
    left crog... back when? incognito's Avatar
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    learning some web design before making a web page
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    Anyways I think she already set up a web hosting service for the webpage.
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  2. #17
    Registered User CompiledMonkey's Avatar
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    Just use JSP. I hate working with Applets.

  3. #18
    &TH of undefined behavior Fordy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by AMDPwred
    Just use JSP. I hate working with Applets.
    He cant unless he has Tomcat, JRun or another suitable Servlet Application Server on his webserver.........

    Might have to stick with applets afterall......they are not difficult to use though

  4. #19
    Registered User CompiledMonkey's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Fordy
    He cant unless he has Tomcat, JRun or another suitable Servlet Application Server on his webserver.........

    Might have to stick with applets afterall......they are not difficult to use though
    Yeah, but Tomcat doesn't take much to setup. Just deploy apache as the WS and install Tomcat to run as your AS. It's worth a little extra work. Then you could use HTML to create a simple interface and have java behind it to compute the values and such. The actual creation would be much easier in JSP than an Applet. Also, applets run slow as hell. JSPs wouldn't suffer the same problems. If you need any help or have questions, feel free to ask. I've been doing alot with JSP/Servlets in the past month.

  5. #20
    _B-L-U-E_ Betazep's Avatar
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    I saw someone use javascript to make an interesting password required site a while back on this board.

    They named an HTML file something.html (like mghks.html) and used javascript to take user input in numbers (i.e. 1367) and convert it into the appropriate html reference.

    If you did a similar things you could have 26 letters, 10 numbers, and several characters in your available pool and it could be any unknown length. (depending on how long the html name was which can be scrambled like fgh_7y87f.html so it is hard to guess)

    The good thing is that you do not need ssi or anything special.

    Here is the link on this board...

    perhaps you might want to use something similar.

  6. #21
    Registered User CompiledMonkey's Avatar
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    Two more things, you could encrypt the passwords also for added security. Also, you could have the applet/jsp read to a file for passwords and such stored somewhere on a server (I know you can in JSP, not sure about an applet). I know you don't want to run a server, but if you want to do this correctly, and safely, you'll need to setup an application server and run some JSPs.

  7. #22
    &TH of undefined behavior Fordy's Avatar
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    >>Yeah, but Tomcat doesn't take much to setup.

    Well I have done a setup with both JRun and Tomcat and I wouldnt say they were easy......

    >> Also, applets run slow as hell. JSPs wouldn't suffer the same problems.

    That depends on the server....My pet site runs off Tomcat....and that's fine once the site has been used for a few seems the JVM needs to "Warm up" before decent use even though I dont share the JVM........The host I have is also one of the better I tried....some of them were slow as crawling.....some are fast as lightning, but they are very expensive and well beyond the need of this case in point

    >>Also, you could have the applet/jsp read to a file for passwords and such stored somewhere on a server (I know you can in JSP, not sure about an applet).

    An applet can read data from a database on a server but I dont know if it can read a file unless there is some process to open the file and parse the information on the server.....

  8. #23
    Registered User CompiledMonkey's Avatar
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    >> Well I have done a setup with both JRun and Tomcat and I wouldnt say they were easy......

    It isn't too bad. And it's good for experience.

    >> That depends on the server....My pet site runs off Tomcat....and that's fine once the site has been used for a few seems the JVM needs to "Warm up" before decent use even though I dont share the JVM........The host I have is also one of the better I tried....some of them were slow as crawling.....some are fast as lightning, but they are very expensive and well beyond the need of this case in point

    I guess. I've never really had any speed issues with JSPs. Applets however....

    >> An applet can read data from a database on a server but I dont know if it can read a file unless there is some process to open the file and parse the information on the server.....

    Yeah, you could do that. But using a mySQL database would probably be the best choice. I didn't even think of that until you mentioned it.

  9. #24
    left crog... back when? incognito's Avatar
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    hey thanks for all the info.
    There are some real morons in this world please do not become one of them, do not become a victim of moronitis. PROGRAMMING IS THE FUTURE...THE FUTURE IS NOW!!!!!!!!!

    "...The only real game I thank in the world is baseball..." --Babe Ruth

    "Life is beautiful"-Don Corleone right before he died.

    "The expert on anything was once a beginner" -Baseball poster I own.

    Left cprog on 1-3-2005. Don't know when I am coming back. Thanks to those who helped me over the years.

  10. #25
    oh well if you hate web design then why don't you tell your teacher to find someone else or pay big

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