I really don't think the NFL's problem's have anything to do with the money, I think its their de facto recruiting policy of ignoring personality defects like lack of emotional maturity, poor self control, and lack of a strong moral compass (whatever that means). Basically they recruit based entirely on in game performance, which is obviously a major factor, but the role of NFL players involves much more than just winnign games. These people are acting as role models for millions of kids, and if they can't exhibit behavior that is appropriate for that role, they really don't need to put on a pedistal. Now this isn't entirely the NFL's fault, the sports reporting community is also culpable, as they cchoose which players to highlight, and media popularity is a major factor in the money an athlete makes.

But sinc the average NFL fan is a drooling idiot that couldnt care less, or worse enjoys watching evil nitwits, they get what they ask for. That's why I don't watch sports anymore.