According to the ancient Maya culture, there is an important celestial cycle that runs 1,872,000 days (or roughly 25,625 years). This cycle was so central to their timekeeking that their Long Count calender in fact corresponds to the last fifth of it's period, the last day being December 21, 2012. There has been a lot of speculation about the significance of the cycle, but most likely it corresponds to the solar system's crossing through the plane of the galactic equator. The Mayans made several references to a 'spike of energy' originating from the center of the galaxy at this apex (interestingly, they were somehow aware of the fact that we orbit the Milky Way!), which could cause the sun to glow brighter, among other things. It's possible, I suppose, but then considering the shear magnitude of the galaxy, we are already so close to the juncture that we would probably be able to detect to some degree these changes already, wouldn't we? What do you think?