Thread: Twisted agenda

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  1. #8
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    Aug 2001
    When would it have been appropriate for an amateur meteorologist to write an article about a press release from Feb 14 coinciding with the presentation of findings by a scientist at a symposium that same day?
    I'm afraid I don't follow. Who is the amateur meteorologist here? The scientific finding was not scientific at all.

    Ah, another Bubba conspiracy rant. It has been awhile since the last one hasn't it?
    Only because another report was issues stating that warming is accelerating even amidst several reports that many feel that warming has completely stopped.

    I really don't care one way or the other as long as we don't pass expensive policies to curb something that isn't a problem. I would agree that chemical pollution is definitely something we must stop however stopping the emissions of a trace gas that also occurs naturally in the atmosphere is not something I can buy into.

    And there is a conspiracy when one side says the debate is over when in science the debate is never over nor does a consensus mean anything. There is a conspiracy when language such as denier and believer are used for issues that are supposed to be scientific. That doesn't sound like science to me.

    Let's hope Obama's supposed 'green jobs' work even if we do not have the economy for it nor the technology to replace a third of the energy produced by current methods.

    And besides I'm just happy that I am actually talking about something other than code. It means there is hope for me to actually have a life. A very small hope but it's there.
    Last edited by VirtualAce; 02-17-2009 at 06:40 PM.

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