Well, this guy saw a game of mine and contacted me, asking me about my game development experience, and since I'm an eager learner, I said I could do it for free. Now the problem is, they don't really use C++, and C++ is the language I love epicly :/
They use C# and JS, and some Unity engine, which I'll read up on later
But to get work from them I'll have to start learning C# and risk loosing my C++ knowledge :/
So what you think? He even offered to secure my future by these words:

but yeah, if so, you will be good when done with school, and have a job offer that pays more then GOOD!
But then there was some stuff that worries me extremely o.o
c++ is out dated, it is just highly spoken of, because there are so many using it, ( mostly old people ) C++ has many down sides, when going in to game programming! but C# and JS are basiclly the same just a bit better and a lot easier!
yeah, i know, we are partners with UBISOFT, and they agree with me! i dont know about blizzard and EA, but i know that EA has used C# in more then 5 games latly.
seems like C# is slowly taking over.
Please proove him wrong! o.o