Thread: First oil, then warming, now ..cooling?

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    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    First oil, then warming, now ..cooling?

    First we had oil at 147 a barrel because we were running out. If we didn't do something we were all doomed. Now we are at oh 35 a barrel or so. Still running out but OPEC is cutting production by 50%. Yes we will run out but not when the wackos say we will. Cooler heads prevail.

    Then we had warming, oh sorry, climate change as it is called now. Since warming cannot be proven factually the wackos went for climate change since that accomodates for if the earth warms or cools. But then again it could cool because of global dimming caused by global warming. Eh ok. I think some people are quite dim themselves.

    Now we have global cooling. Hehe. Yep it's in the news now. Remember though if we don't act to stop global warming we and all the polar bears are doomed to die horrible deaths. But wait last year was colder than most and now we have snowstorms in Las Vegas. Uh oh. Now some are saying global warming has stopped or been reversed (even though they previously said all of our attempts to curb warming wouldn't be sufficient and we were dead anyways). So let me get this straight. Last year if we didn't act immediately and pass all kinds of ignorant laws about CO2 and all that we were dead. Even if we did pass the laws we wouldn't feel the effects for 20 years or so. Now in ONE year all that warming trend has been erased? Some websites are saying that the net drop in temperature in the last two years has erased any net gain that was being used to tout global warming.


    I'm not in the global warming or cooling group. Both have a huge money trail. I think I'm just gonna sit back and laugh until the next new crazy theory comes out and dooms us all.

    Either way we are all dead right? It's interesting that in this information age we actually get to see these wacky theories develop much quicker than before and they become commonplace very fast. In the 1970's it was cooling, in the 90's it was warming and now from 2002 to 2008 it has gone through both warming and cooling. So in a span of 6 years we have seen the money trail go from the warm side to the cool side. I wonder what is next? Oh and now finally some of the outlets that claimed CO2 was the main cause of warming now say that solar output is causing cooling...but they don't dismiss the warming effects of CO2...but that solar output is a much bigger factor than CO2. Nice. They also say that at no time in history has cooling been good for a civilization. In fact they say cooling is worse. So they just admitted that solar output is a huge factor in cooling when just last year they dismissed the very same thing to explain warming. What a bunch of idiots. So I think most warming websites should say they are simply climate change websites. When the climate changes donate money to us and we will fix it by taking away your freedoms. So if it gets's our fault and if it gets's our fault. So in reality aren't they just against technology and progress of any kind?

    Wake up. This isn't scientific progress people.

    Last edited by VirtualAce; 12-27-2008 at 03:56 PM.

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