Yeah, yeah, yeah... But I have a real reason for
hating them.

For the past few months (since E3), I couldn't
decide on what new console to buy this November.
Xbox or GameCube? I was leaning towards GC, but
hadn't all-the-way decided yet...

I hate bundles. I only want to buy the system,
not be forced to buy the system + a game + two
third-party periphials + a duck. It's lame.

Anywho, apparently Micro$oft (that is how you express
your hatred for them, right? Replacing the "S"
with an "$"?) is forcing retailers to sell pre-
orders of the Xbox as bundles. Dumb!

In order to get an Xbox by Christmas, you must
pre-order an Xbox, a Microsoft game, two third-
party games, and an extra controller. Dumb (again)!

I guess Nintendo just won my money, baby. Peh,
they probably were going to anyway.

That's all I have to say about that...