Quote Originally Posted by abachler View Post
Not in C it isn't. That was standard practice for decades before C++ required explicit type casting.
Nevertheless, I will say bad practice (without an explicit cast). Most compilers will warn about it.
A good programmer pays heed to warnings and silences them if the programmer needs the do what he/she does and stop the compiler from warning.

As stated there are billions of lines of code 'out there' and people arent goign to spend the man hours to fix them all just so they can make the code C++ compliant when they dont use any C++ features.
Again, I never said they should convert. Rather, I said they should use C++ on new projects instead and gradually phase out the old language.

Quote Originally Posted by robwhit View Post
> Erm, C is the base of C++. C++ is not restricted in such a sense.
So I should cast void pointers just because some C++ guy says
In C++ yes, because void* is not necessarily whatever-type-you-want*.
But in C, it can be dangerous to do so due to a stupid flaw in the C89 standard and some compilers not complaining about this behavior.

> It's better if it's aimed at the platform you're trying to develop, yes.
C is aimed at the same platforms as C++, and more.
C++ has a clear advantage where it's supported over C, which logically would suggest you choose C++, or some other language, over C for those platforms.

> Just as it's better to learn PHP or Pearl
You mean to imply that Perl is better than PHP?