Quote Originally Posted by SlyMaelstrom View Post
Agreed, if there is anything that I've learned in my life in America is that private charitable organizations handle their donations WAY better than the government handles our tax dollars. They make the dollar go much farther and they help all the right people much better. The government is a big, wasteful machine that will only make you wonder exactly all that money you've had taken away has been going.
Not to mention that big government depends on the existence of a victim class. Government programs have created generations of dependents, and that's just fine with some. It keeps them in power.

convince the upper-middle class and lower-upper class to donate more because the fact is, the big guys like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet do more donating than anyone can really ask of them.
Exxon Mobil pays more in taxes than 50% of the people in the US. One corporation paid more than 65 million taxpayers, and yet they're being ostracized and threatened with more taxes. We don't need a revolution, we need to see Atlas Shrugged come to fruition.