Hello people,

I thought this might be the best place to post my problem which I have got and perhaps get some advice from you all. I know many of there are already been employed. I would like to get some advice from you all please.

I just finished my final year of my studies and now looking for a job. My results are due to me announced in two weeks time. At the movement I am applying for the jobs and it’s been a month I am looking for job. Do you all think its like too long or...? But anyway, I have posted my CV on the monster.co.uk website and applying for companies through their websites as well.

When I first posted my CV on the monster website I was getting quite a lot of calls from recruitment agencies and as the days keep on moving the no of call rate stopped reducing. I indeed had few interview. As soon my CV was on monster.

But now, I don’t get any calls from any agencies anymore. Even through I get one or two now and then. The first thing they ask me is did you had any interview and few say we have so and so vacancies with us. And they also tell me that they will email the job spec and all but not many people get back.

I think, I am making a mistake some where. When the agencies call me, and asks me that did you had any interview. I say YES I did and some times I also say that I’ve got few more in the coming week. And that’s it he never gets back to me.

So I think that’s where I am making a mistake. Is there any advice you could give me on how to answer that call. And if I update the CV on the public website will there be any changes. I want to start my career in C or C++ programming or embedded. But there are not much graduate opportunities there for them very depressing.

Thank you for your time.
