So basically I started one of my last semesters (only one class left after this) in college with what I believe to be a pivotal and relevant course, Software Engineering. For those that haven't taken it or have a different version, a group of students propose an application and go through the entire software design process. The parts where it begins via diagrams, modeling, use cases, interface, to eventually writing code. I am sure this is going to be the hardest work I've done in my college career but I'm sure it's the most relevant to my career after college. I'm pretty psyched, I so far have a cool group and there's a lot of learning to be done since we'll be using databases and interfaces (which I know just not in java swt/swing or the like).

I guess after this course I'll at least have a better taste of a working environment than pretty much all of my programming courses.

Plus I like hearing my teacher say, "You're taking this course so you can make more money".