Quote Originally Posted by indigo0086 View Post
I think most things people consider talents can be learned. I've heard people play with a natural talent in music but hardly sound as interesting as people who study hard and practice a lot.
No, no. You're just arguing semantics, here... the key word in my rant was "natural," not "talent." I could have just as easily said "natural skill" or "natural ability," but I didn't because I try to diversify my vocabulary when I speak. Perhaps that was not the best time...

Regardless, while you can use my wording to compare the ability to analyze a situation with the ability to play music, they're simply not the same thing. This is opinionative, I'm sure... but I do not think people can improve too much on their ability to make something from nothing. Either you can do it or you can't... and if you can, there are many degrees as to how well you do it.