Hello all!

I'm currently working on a programming project (a server program) which will run on an old computer i have lying around (Windows NT). I am wondering, i also have an older laptop lying around, is it possible to use the laptop as the means of communication and display for the "server"? Instead of having to hookup a big ole monitor and keyboard and mouse, it would be much more ergonomic if i could just connect a cord between the laptop and the computer and use the laptop to interface with the computer (by computer i mean desktop) when needed. The "server" will run independantly without a screen or keyboard or anything, but should i need to access the server directly or update it or something, it would be much easier to just connect it to a small laptop instead of a big screen and seperate mouse and seperate keyboard.

I've googled the heck out of it and i cant seem to find the information i'm looking for, so any help would be greatly appreciated if this is indeed possible.
