Thread: drag and drop

  1. #1

    drag and drop

    I'm trying to find out how to drag and drop files into a Listbox control from outside the application. What I need to do is be able to drag and drop a file or files from the desktop (or file explorer) into my listbox view, and have it create the new item(s) in the list. I just need a shove in the right direction, 'cause MSDN is confusing me more than its helping right now.

  2. #2
    Registered User Chemanuel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    These are the points you have to take into account

    - The DragAcceptFiles function registers whether a window accepts dropped files

    - The WM_DROPFILES message is sent when the user releases the left mouse button while the cursor is in the window of an application that has registered itself as a recipient of dropped files.

    In the windows API documentation you can find examples if you look for these topics.

    This is the function I used to open files. Note that the functions with :: are defined in my program. use your functions instead. Don't forget to include at the beginning of the program
    PHP Code:
     DragAcceptFiles(hWndTRUE); // Prepare the application to accept dragged files

    BOOL Frame::OnDropFiles(HINSTANCE hInstHWND hWndWPARAM wParam)
    HDROP hDrop = (HDROP)wParam;
    POINT pt;
    char szFileName[MAX_PATH]; 

    DragQueryPoint(hDrop, &pt);   

     if (
    DragQueryFile(hDrop0xFFFFFFFF00) > 1)  // Accept only 1 dropped file
    return Error::ProcessWarning(hWndIDS_DRAGONEFILE);

    // If there is a previous experiment close it and open a new one
    if (TreeView_GetCount(GetDlgItem(hWndID_TREEVIEW)))
        if (!
    // Get file name and open it
    // Free memory when done


    Last edited by Chemanuel; 12-29-2001 at 11:49 AM.

    Lo bueno si breve dos veces bueno (Baltasar Gracián 1601-1658)

  3. #3

    thanks Chemanuel

    I finally got around to trying this out and it does the trick. thanks

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