Thread: list view doesn't receive LBN_SELCHANGE messages

  1. #1
    Registered User eth0's Avatar
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    list view doesn't receive LBN_SELCHANGE messages

    Hi all.

    My list view is a child window of my main window created with the following
    hListView = CreateWindowEx(0,
                       WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | LVS_REPORT | WS_BORDER |
                       0, 0, 0, 0,
                       (HMENU) IDC_SERVLIST,
    when an item is selected, I'm not recieving any messages from my list box.
    I thought that having the LBS_NOTIFY flag directed all list view messages to the parent window.

    I do however receive WM_NOTIFY messages when an item is double clicked.

    Any ideas what is going wrong? I'm use windows not dialogs.

    For reference, here is my main window creation code
    hMainWnd = CreateWindowEx(
    	    _T("Test List View"),
    	    CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 650, 450,
    	    NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
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  2. #2
    Yes, my avatar is stolen anonytmouse's Avatar
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    LBN_SELCHANGE is received through the WM_COMMAND message. Does your code look something like this:
    case WM_COMMAND:
        if (HIWORD(wParam) == LBN_SELCHANGE && LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_SERVLIST)
              // do something...

  3. #3
    Registered User eth0's Avatar
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    yes. Here is my code :

    case WM_COMMAND:
            case IDC_SERVLIST:
                switch (HIWORD(wParam))
                    case LBN_SELCHANGE:
                        MessageBox(NULL, _T("sel changed"), _T("note"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
    Putting a break point on WM_COMMAND doesn't fire up the debugger when changing seletion in the list view. WM_COMMAND messages do not seem to be getting to the parent window, or are not being generated by the list view.
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  4. #4
    int x = *((int *) NULL); Cactus_Hugger's Avatar
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    Do list view controls generate LBN_* notifications? (And for that matter, do List View's accept LBS_* styles?) I'm unsing Spy++ on one of my apps with a list view (which I granted the LBS_NOTIFY style for testing), and it's not sending any WM_COMMANDs either. It is sending WM_NOTIFY's though, with some with LVN_ITEMCHANGED.

    The LVN_ITEMCHANGED notification gives a NM_LISTVIEW structure, detailing the change. I get a bunch of them too... I assume one saying that the item isn't selected for the old selection, and one saying that the new selection is selected. The state member of the LV_ITEM structure contains info on whether or not that item is selected.
    At any rate, LVN_ITEMCHANGED should tell you, with the NM_LISTVIEW.uChanged member being LVIS_SELECTED (hopefully...), but you might get two of these. (One when the original selection is deselected, etc. Might not matter.) Perhaps this is what you want...

    Edit: My app also needs to check selection state as it turns out, so I tried my above method, no go. I get LVN_ITEMCHANGED notifications ok, but the uChanged member makes no sense... it's set to 8, which is LVIS_DROPHILITE, when I select things. (Hell, my ListView doesn't even let me drag & drop stuff...)
    Last edited by Cactus_Hugger; 01-16-2006 at 04:43 PM.
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  5. #5
    Yes, my avatar is stolen anonytmouse's Avatar
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    Do list view controls generate LBN_* notifications?
    Nice catch Cactus_Hugger! LBN_ notifications are obviously for list boxes.
    My app also needs to check selection state as it turns out, so I tried my above method, no go. I get LVN_ITEMCHANGED notifications ok, but the uChanged member makes no sense... it's set to 8, which is LVIS_DROPHILITE, when I select things. (Hell, my ListView doesn't even let me drag & drop stuff...)
    The uChanged member contains a mask of which members of the LVITEM structure for the item have changed. 0x0008 is LVIF_STATE, meaning that LVITEM.state has changed. When uChanged includes LVIF_STATE, you can look at uNewState and uOldState to check whether the selection has changed. A selected item will have the LVIS_SELECTED bit set.

    Something like this:
    case WM_NOTIFY:
    	NMHDR* nm = (NMHDR*) lParam;
    	if ( nm->idFrom == IDC_MYLISTVIEW &&
    	     nm->code == LVN_ITEMCHANGED )
    		if ( (pnmv->uChanged & LVIF_STATE) &&
    		     (pnmv->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) != (pnmv->uOldState & LVIS_SELECTED) )
    			// pnmv->iItem has been selected or deselected.
    			if (pnmv->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED)
    				PRINT("Item number %d has been selected\n", pnmv->iItem);
    				PRINT("Item number %d has been deselected\n", pnmv->iItem);

  6. #6
    int x = *((int *) NULL); Cactus_Hugger's Avatar
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    Ah, you're exactly right! I entirely misread the help on uChanged. I was expecting it to have the same flags as the state member (LVIS_*), when it says (in bold, admittidly...) same flags as the mask member... (LVIF_*). Problem solved for me, hopefully for eth0 too.

    Thanks for that info! (Hope I didn't hijack your thread eth0... ;-) )
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  7. #7
    Registered User eth0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cactus_Hugger
    (Hope I didn't hijack your thread eth0... ;-) )
    Nope, I got my answer and learned something else too.
    Thanks guys
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