Thread: Controlling entered Edit Control Text

  1. #1
    Work in Progress..... Jaken Veina's Avatar
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    Controlling entered Edit Control Text

    What would I need to do to be able to limit the range of characters the user could enter. In my currect program, their entry is supposed to be in binary, so how would I prevent them from entering anything other than a 1 or 0? Note that I know I could partially solve this with the ES_NUMBER Style.

  2. #2
    train spotter
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    In MFC I subclass the edit.

    Derive a class based on CEdit
    Create the edit using your class, all the msgs you don't handle will go to the base class and be handled (as per normal).

    Handle the OnChar() messages for that edit.

    If the text entered is not correct then just return (so the edits text is not updated, the user pushes the key and nothing happens).
    (nChar != 0x30//VK_0 && nChar != 0x31//VK_1)

    If it is correct call the default handler
    ( CEdit::OnChar() )

    In WIN32 you would handle the WM_CHAR for the parent (dlg or window), ensure that the edit has focus (is getting the input), and then test.
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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    You can also subclass in win32 by calling SetWindowLong with the GWL_WNDPROC paramater.

  4. #4
    Work in Progress..... Jaken Veina's Avatar
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    WM_CHAR. Alright, I'll research that. I tried processing on the EN_CHANGE notification, but I ended up with some bugs.

    And, I've seen the SetWindowLong function on MSDN, but I have yet to use it. Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to teach myself. Thanks, a lot.

  5. #5
    Arggggh DeepFyre's Avatar
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    couldnt you just use getche()?
    char num
    num = getche();
    if (num == '1' || num == '0')
          //whatever you want done
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  6. #6
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