Thread: Clipboard data in MDI

  1. #1
    Registered User AtomRiot's Avatar
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    Clipboard data in MDI

    ok i have this procedure that will get a bitmap from the clipboard and display it in this child MDI window but the image will not show up until i move the window off the screen or if i resize it, does anyone see any flaws in this code. I am using Visual C++ 6 and Windows API on a windows XP box.

    PHP Code:
    HDC hdc;
    HDC memhdc;
    HWND hGetClip;
    RECT rect;
    BITMAP bm;
    HBITMAP hBitmap ;
    HBITMAP hBitmapClip;
    hGetClip CreateWindowEx(0,"BUTTON","Get Image",WS_CHILD WS_VISIBLE,
                        if (
    DeleteObject (hBitmap) ;
    hBitmap NULL ;
    OpenClipboard (copyhwnd);
    hBitmapClip = (HBITMAP)GetClipboardData (CF_BITMAP) ;
                        if (
    hBitmap CopyBitmap (hBitmapClip) ;

    CloseClipboard () ;
    hdc BeginPaint(hWnd,&ps);
                if (
    GetClientRect (hWnd, &rect) ;

    memhdc CreateCompatibleDC (hdc) ;
    SelectObject (memhdchBitmap) ;
    GetObject (hBitmapsizeof (BITMAP), (PSTR) &bm);                    
    SetStretchBltMode (hdcCOLORONCOLOR) ;
    StretchBlt (hdc,    00rect.rightrect.bottom,
    memhdc00bm.bmWidthbm.bmHeightSRCCOPY) ;

    DeleteDC (memhdc) ;


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  2. #2
    Yes, my avatar is stolen anonytmouse's Avatar
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    Windows will not post a WM_PAINT message until the window or a portion of it is invalidated. This happens when the window is restored, uncovered, resized or can be done explicitly with the InvalidateRect() function.

    When you DeleteDC the device context must be in its original state. Note the following additions:

                    memhdc = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc) ;
                    /* Save old bitmap so it can be restored later. */
                    HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP) SelectObject (memhdc, hBitmap) ;
                    GetObject (hBitmap, sizeof (BITMAP), (PSTR) &bm);                    
                    SetStretchBltMode (hdc, COLORONCOLOR) ;
                    StretchBlt (hdc,    0, 0, rect.right, rect.bottom,
                        memhdc, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, SRCCOPY) ;
                    /* Return DC to its original state before deleting. */
                    SelectObject(memhdc, hOldBitmap);
                    DeleteDC (memhdc) ;

  3. #3
    Registered User AtomRiot's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    I have tried this and it still has the same outcome. it will only show the clipboard data if i resize teh child window or if i move the window so that the body is not visible in the parent, like move it so you can only see the title bar that you are dragging it by and then bringing it back up.
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  4. #4
    Yes, my avatar is stolen anonytmouse's Avatar
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    Dec 2002
    Where is your call to InvalidateRect()? It should look something like:

                    case HBUTTGETCLIP:
                        if (hBitmap)
                            DeleteObject (hBitmap) ;
                            hBitmap = NULL ;
                        OpenClipboard (copyhwnd);
                        hBitmapClip = (HBITMAP)GetClipboardData (CF_BITMAP) ;
                        if (hBitmapClip)
                            hBitmap = CopyBitmap (hBitmapClip) ;
                        CloseClipboard () ;
                        /* Tell Windows to invalidate the entire client area and post a WM_PAINT message. */
                        InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE);

  5. #5
    Registered User AtomRiot's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    ahh, ok. I was putting the wrong hwnd into the call. i had tried something before i posted and was using that hwnd instead. it works now, thanks.
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  6. #6
    train spotter
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    watch the uninitialised variables (ie hBitmap being tested for NULL)

    and non static vars ie the edits hwnd will be lost.

    The paints have a different hwnd used.

    I recomend after

    InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE);

    you tell the app to bypass the OS msg que and draw your window immediately with UpdateWindow()
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