Thread: MFC Multi-threading is working ... Now another problem :(

  1. #1
    Programming is fun, mkay?
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Unhappy MFC Multi-threading is working ... Now another problem :(

    Ok, well, I got the MFC multi-threading working. I found some code on Now I have another problem. I defined my Listen() and Server() functions in my application's dialog class, and I had to make them 'static UINT Function()', etc. Now, when I use "AfxSocketInit(NULL)", where the parameter is "WSADATA*", it causes the problem. First, I used some code from CodeProject. It looks like this:

    typedef struct 
        CMyApplicationDlg *_this;   // Class's 'this' pointer
    I have to use that so that I am able to access functions in the class from my 'static' member functions, since I can't directly access non-static class members from a static class member. When I do something similar to this:

    // 'lpParam' is the parameter passed in "AfxBeginThread"
    // This causes the problem
    It gives me an error, and when I do "Debug", I get this line, from sockcore.cpp (I think that's the filename):

    ASSERT(pState->m_hSocketWindow != NULL);
    I think it's because my thread functions (Listen() and Server()) cannot access the dialog class so they can use the dialog window as the socket window. If you can offer any help I would really appreciate it.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    C++ Environment: MSVC++ 6.0; Dev-C++ 4.0/4.1
    DirectX Version: 9.0b
    DX SDK: DirectX 8.1 SDK

  2. #2
    Registered User Codeplug's Avatar
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    Mar 2003
    Looking at the MFC code, "pState" comes from thread-local-storage. That means it is only valid in the thread that created the CAsyncSocket.

    Try accepting the connection in the thread that created "m_csListen", then kick off a new thread to handle the "m_csClient" connection.


  3. #3
    Programming is fun, mkay?
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Question I think I already did that ... ?

    Well, I create the listening (m_csListen) socket when the user clicks the "Start" button in my application. Then, it starts the "Listen()" thread. Inside the listen thread is where it calls "Accept()". You may be trying to tell me something else, but this is how I understand it.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    C++ Environment: MSVC++ 6.0; Dev-C++ 4.0/4.1
    DirectX Version: 9.0b
    DX SDK: DirectX 8.1 SDK

  4. #4
    Registered User Codeplug's Avatar
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    Mar 2003
    Create m_csListen and call m_csListen.Accept() in the same thread.


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