I'm trying to code up a CPageSetupDialog, where you provide a template dialog resource etc. All that went pretty well, and I have an OnPrint handler, where my data to print is this list of lines. I'm not doing anything too fancy, just printing the lines with TextOut or something I think. So my question is, what is the relation between all the data I have collected in the page setup, and the OnPrint handler? Do I just save the data from the dialog, and do all the work of formatting ( such as using any provided headers/footers, or margins ) myself? Or will some of this work be "automatic" via the provided device context? This is my first time through doing print code, so any web links would be helpful. I have a couple of MFC books, but the descriptions do not venture much past the very basics when it comes to printing. Does anyone know of a book that does a thorough job on this subject? Also, I am finding that a difficult part is also the terminology. For instance, what is the DEVMODE structure, and why do I need it? What about the DEVNAME ( I think I am getting these right ).

Thanks for any info.