Thread: Please explain me about Options.c

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Please explain me about Options.c

    Option.c ?? please explain me this one. I need only the while portion of it.
    /* Utility function to extract option flags from the command line. */

    #include "Everything.h"
    #include <stdarg.h>
    DWORD Options (int argc, LPCTSTR argv [], LPCTSTR OptStr, ...)
    /* argv is the command line.
        The options, if any, start with a '-' in argv[1], argv[2], ...
        OptStr is a text string containing all possible options,
        in one-to-one correspondence with the addresses of Boolean variables
        in the variable argument list (...).
        These flags are set if and only if the corresponding option
        character occurs in argv [1], argv [2], ...
        The return value is the argv index of the first argument beyond the options. */
        va_list pFlagList;
        LPBOOL pFlag;
        int iFlag = 0, iArg;
        va_start (pFlagList, OptStr);
        while ((pFlag = va_arg (pFlagList, LPBOOL)) != NULL
                    && iFlag < (int)_tcslen (OptStr)) {
            *pFlag = FALSE;
            for (iArg = 1; !(*pFlag) && iArg < argc && argv [iArg] [0] == _T('-'); iArg++)
                *pFlag = _memtchr (argv [iArg], OptStr [iFlag],
                        _tcslen (argv [iArg])) != NULL;
        va_end (pFlagList);
        for (iArg = 1; iArg < argc && argv [iArg] [0] == _T('-'); iArg++);
        return iArg;
    cat.c // I understood this one. Just to show how Options.c is implemented
    /* cat [options] [files]
        Only the -s option is used. Others are ignored.
        -s suppresses error report when a file does not exist */
    #include "Everything.h"
    #define BUF_SIZE 0x200
    static VOID CatFile (HANDLE, HANDLE);
    int _tmain (int argc, LPTSTR argv [])
        HANDLE hInFile, hStdIn = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
        HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
        BOOL dashS;
        int iArg, iFirstFile;
        /*    dashS will be set only if "-s" is on the command line. */
        /*    iFirstFile is the argv [] index of the first input file. */
        iFirstFile = Options (argc, argv, _T("s"), &dashS, NULL);
        if (iFirstFile == argc) { /* No files in arg list. */
            CatFile (hStdIn, hStdOut);
            return 0;
        /* Process the input files. */
        for (iArg = iFirstFile; iArg < argc; iArg++) {
            hInFile = CreateFile (argv [iArg], GENERIC_READ,
            if (hInFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
                if (!dashS) ReportError (_T ("Cat Error: File does not exist."), 0, TRUE);
            } else {
                CatFile (hInFile, hStdOut);
                if (GetLastError() != 0 && !dashS) {
                    ReportError (_T ("Cat Error: Could not process file completely."), 0, TRUE);
                CloseHandle (hInFile);
        return 0;
    static VOID CatFile (HANDLE hInFile, HANDLE hOutFile)
        DWORD nIn, nOut;
        BYTE buffer [BUF_SIZE];
        while (ReadFile (hInFile, buffer, BUF_SIZE, &nIn, NULL) && (nIn != 0)
                && WriteFile (hOutFile, buffer, nIn, &nOut, NULL));

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Can you narrow it down to some specific point?

    The whole while loop is pretty much as the comment reads.

    When in doubt, create a really simple main() to just call that function with a range of arguments and then single-step the code in the debugger, printing the variables as you go.

    You can't just roll up to the forum, dump a mess of code and say "explain this" without showing us that you've made some effort yourself.
    Like for example explaining the bits you DO understand, and making a bit of a guess at some parts you think you understand.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  3. #3
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    (pFlag = va_arg (pFlagList, LPBOOL)) != NULL
    // this is used to check whether we have reached end of the list or not.

    iFlag < (int)_tcslen (OptStr)
    // I didn't get it. Why this is used.

    *pFlag = FALSE;    // I did get it too.
        for (iArg = 1; !(*pFlag) && iArg < argc && argv [iArg] [0] == _T('-'); iArg++)
    It will run till iArg = 1 to argc && if (first char of argv is '-')
                *pFlag = _memtchr (argv [iArg], OptStr [iFlag],
                        _tcslen (argv [iArg])) != NULL;
    *pFlag will be set to true in while loop when it encounters '-' on its first run i.e till iFlag is zero, after it I don't understand.

    In summary I didn't get why iFlag is used and why it is needed to set pFlag to false .

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by freiza View Post
    (pFlag = va_arg (pFlagList, LPBOOL)) != NULL
    // this is used to check whether we have reached end of the list or not.
    It also sets the value of pFlag to be the result produced by the va_arg() macro. va_arg() is being used to step through the arguments the caller supplies after argc, argv, and OpStr. Every time around the loop, it retrieves the next argument. Since all of the arguments after OpStr should be pointers to BOOL, it tests if those pointers are non-NULL. Later on, the code writes to those pointers .... and writing to a NULL pointer is an invalid operation.

    Quote Originally Posted by freiza View Post
    In summary I didn't get why iFlag is used and why it is needed to set pFlag to false .
    iFlag is being used to track the number of options processed. The loop body should not be invoked if the option being processed is after the last one. The options are supplied in a character string, and iFlag is used in the loop to retrieve a character in that string. So iFlag needs to be less than the length of the string.

    pFlag is a pointer (supplied by the caller as part of the variable argument lst after OpStr) to a bool that needs to be set or not, depending on the corresponding content of argc, argv, and OpStr. The loop body sets *pFlag to false initially, and then searches for evidence that *pFlag needs to be set to true.
    Right 98% of the time, and don't care about the other 3%.

    If I seem grumpy or unhelpful in reply to you, or tell you you need to demonstrate more effort before you can expect help, it is likely you deserve it. Suck it up, Buttercup, and read this, this, and this before posting again.

  5. #5
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    Let us assume the arv be
    cat -s -m filename1 filename2

    iFlag < (int)_tcslen (OptStr) // Initially IFlag is 0 so condition is true. But,
    *pFlag = _memtchr (argv [iArg], OptStr [iFlag], _tcslen (argv [iArg])) != NULL; //here since iFlag is 0, OptStr should be pointing to '-' and not 's'
    iFlag++; // But here iFlag is increamented by 1
    and also iArg is incremented by 1

    Now again at

    *pFlag = _memtchr (argv [iArg], OptStr [iFlag], _tcslen (argv [iArg])) != NULL; //after iFlag is incremented i.e iFlag=1, OptStr should be pointing to 'm' and not '-'

    What I was thinking that iFlag is pointing to characters in the string of argv[] and iArg is pointing to argv[0], argv[1], argv[2] etc. Am I wrong?

    And ,
    and writing to a NULL pointer is an invalid operation. Is this statement true?

    For example,
    int *p=NULL;
    int a=6;

    this is not an error.

    Thank you very much.
    Last edited by freiza; 02-28-2012 at 03:43 PM.

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