Thread: dao demo with embedded property sheet

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    dao demo with embedded property sheet

    usually you would have to map the m_Name variable to the dialog and call UpdateData( FALSE )


    m_pSheet->SetActivePage( [something other than the index for page 1] );
    m_page1.m_strName = "John Doe";
    m_pSheet->SetActivePage( page1Index ); //** this will call
    update data false...


    m_pSheet->SetActivePage( page1Index );
    m_page1.m_strName = "John Doe";
    m_page1.UpdateData( FALSE ); //call true to retrieve the value

    the problem with this is is that the call will give you all kinds of errors in m_page1 is not currently the active page....

    the index of the pages depends on the order in which they were added 0 - n....

    so in order to update the second page for instance...

    m_pSheet->SetActivePage( 1 );
    m_page1.m_name = "John Doe";
    m_page1.UpdateData( FALSE );

    ....if your variables are not mapped...
    you can do this...
    m_pSheet->SetActivePage( 0 );
    m_page1.SetDlgItemText( IDC_EDIT_NAME, m_page1.m_strName );

    and to retrieve it
    m_page1.GetDlgItemText( IDC_EDIT_NAME, m_page1.m_strName);



    you can download a demo from my website.... it is related and might help you out....


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Sep 2001
    Cant thank you enough zMan, I've almost got the programming side of the database done now after all the help you've given me . One last quick question, I've rebuilt my app using DAO instead of ODBC, and I've noticed I can now add OLE Property Sheets. What are these and will they help?

  3. #3
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    hmm? I have never worked with them....
    Can you refer the object type by name. The only reference I could find to these was COlePropertyPage which is used to display the properties of an active x control...

  4. #4
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    All I know about the ole property pages is that they can be added as a dialog resource in the insert resource dialog, and that their default idd is IDD_OLE_PROPPAGE_LARGE / SMALL. I dont think they are available in VC++ Standard, I'm using enterprise.

    Also I have another question . I want to be able to put a property sheet inside the property sheet on my form. This is how it works:
    I have my form (CTykeView), on which I have a property sheet with 8 pages, I'm calling these L1 (level 1) pages. Each one of those represents a main catagory. Under these pages I have more property pages (L2 pages) representing sub catagories.

    I have created a member function of one of my L1 pages called CreateL2Tabs();, which adds my L2 pages, very similar to the CreateTabControl(); function you gave me. My question is when and where do I call this function. I have tried calling it immediately after adding the L1 page

    pSheet->AddPage( &m_L1_1BookingIn );
    pSheet->AddPage( &m_L1_2Customers );

    But I get four assert errors, even though I am dealing with the active page (the first page).

    Thanks in advance

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Sep 2001
    Sorry, didnt think about using OnSetActive() and OnKillActive() functions. Got it sorted now.

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