Thread: Multi file source to single file source

  1. #1
    Yes, my avatar is stolen anonytmouse's Avatar
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    Dec 2002

    Multi file source to single file source

    Has anyone got a script to turn a multi-file C source into a single file? Just asking, before I reinvent the wheel.

    - Remove duplicate #defines
    - Remove duplicate #includes
    - Remove comments


  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Not sure what you mean by 'remove' duplicates?

    gcc -E prog.c
    This removes comments, expands includes and replaces #defines

    gcc -MM prog.c
    This outputs a list of header files which prog.c depends on.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
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  3. #3
    It's full of stars adrianxw's Avatar
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    Don't see why anyone would want to do such a thing.
    Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity unto the dream.

  4. #4
    Yes, my avatar is stolen anonytmouse's Avatar
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    I have a library, which of course, is split into multiple modules. For simplicity of use and distribution I want to make it available as a single source file.

    For example, if we have:

    - File 1:
    #define UNICODE
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    void function(void) {
        /* Some comment */
        some code;
    - File 2:
    #define UNICODE
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <something.h>
    void function2(int i) {
       while(i++) < 10000 printf("hello");
       /* another comment */
    Then I want this as the result (all in one file):
    #define UNICODE
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <something.h>
    void function(void) {
        some code;
    void function2(int i) {
       while(i++) < 10000 printf("hello");
    Note: duplicate includes and defines gone, comments gone and all in one file.

    Thanks for the ideas but I don't wish to expand includes or resolve defines.

    I have made some progress on a rough script.

  5. #5
    Yes, my avatar is stolen anonytmouse's Avatar
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    Dec 2002
    No worries, I got a script working. It's not exactly elegant or robust but it seems to do what I need.

    Option Explicit
    Dim fso
    Call WScript.Quit( main() )
    ' Returns the entire contents of a text file
    Function ReadFile(sFilePath)
    	Const ForReading = 1, AsciiFormat = 0
    	Dim TextStream
    	Set TextStream = fso.OpenTextFile(sFilePath, ForReading, False, AsciiFormat)
    	ReadFile = TextStream.ReadAll()
    End Function
    ' Writes sContents to the specified file.
    Sub WriteFile(sFilePath, sContents)
    	Const ForWriting = 2, AsciiFormat = 0
    	Dim TextStream
    	Set TextStream = fso.OpenTextFile(sFilePath, ForWriting, True, AsciiFormat)
    	TextStream.Write sContents
    End Sub
    ' Relocates all #includes and #defines to the beginning
    ' of the source and removes duplicates.
    Function PreProcess(sOldSource)
    	Dim sNewSource, sTokens, sLine
    	Dim i, rgsLines, rgsArray
    	Dim dctTokens
    	Set dctTokens = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    	rgsLines = Split(sOldSource, vbcrlf, -1, 0)
    	For i = LBound(rgsLines) To UBound(rgsLines)
    		sLine = Replace(rgsLines(i), " ", "")
    		sLine = Replace(rgsLines(i), vbTab, "")
    		If ( Left(sLine, Len("#include")) = "#include" Or _
    		     Left(sLine, Len("#define"))  = "#define" ) Then
    			if (Not dctTokens.Exists(rgsLines(i))) Then dctTokens.Add rgsLines(i), 0
    			sNewSource = sNewSource & rgsLines(i) & vbcrlf
    		End If
    	rgsArray = dctTokens.Keys
    	For i = LBound(rgsArray) To UBound(rgsArray)
    		sTokens = sTokens & rgsArray(i) & vbcrlf
    	PreProcess = sTokens & sNewSource
    End Function
    ' Removes comments from the source
    Function RemoveComments(sOldSource)
    	Dim sNewSource, regEx
    	Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    	regEx.Global = True
    	regEx.IgnoreCase = True
    	' Deal with /* */ comments that have a line to themselves.
    	regEx.Pattern = "\r\n[\t ]*/\*(.|[\r\n])*?\*/[\t ]*\r\n"
    	sNewSource = regEx.Replace(sOldSource, vbcrlf)
    	' Deal with /* */ comments that share the line.
    	regEx.Pattern = "/\*(.|[\r\n])*?\*/"
    	sNewSource = regEx.Replace(sNewSource, "")
    	' Deal with // comments that have a line to themselves.
    	regEx.Pattern = "\r\n[\t ]*//[^\r]*\r\n"
    	sNewSource = regEx.Replace(sNewSource, 	vbcrlf)
    	' Deal with // comments that share a line
    	regEx.Pattern = "//[^\r]*"
    	sNewSource = regEx.Replace(sNewSource, 	"")
    	' Remove double white lines
    	regEx.Pattern = "\r\n[\t \r\n]*\r\n"
    	sNewSource = regEx.Replace(sNewSource, vbcrlf & vbcrlf)
    	' Remove line ending white space
    	regEx.Pattern = "[\t ]*\r\n"
    	sNewSource = regEx.Replace(sNewSource, vbcrlf)
    	RemoveComments = sNewSource
    End Function
    Function main()
    	Dim sArg, sSource, sOldSource, sNewSource
    	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    	For Each sArg In WScript.Arguments
    		sOldSource = sOldSource & vbCrLf & "@@@<<@@ ----- " & _
    		             fso.GetFileName(sArg) & " ----- @@>>@@@" & _
    		             vbCrLf & ReadFile(sArg)
    	sNewSource = PreProcess(sOldSource)
    	sNewSource = RemoveComments(sNewSource)
    	sNewSource = Replace(sNewSource, "@@@<<@@", "/*")
    	sNewSource = Replace(sNewSource, "@@>>@@@", "*/")
    	Call WriteFile("output.c", sNewSource)
    	main = EXIT_SUCCESS
    End Function
    If anyone actually uses this:
    - You'll probably want to specify the filenames in an array so you can decide on order.
    - It is possible that the board has stuffed up some of the regular expressions.
    - There are many things it doesn't handle - such as multi line defines.

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