I'm trying to create an include graph for my doxygen. I get a section for it, but no actual graph. The same thing with collaboration graphs,. I also want an include graph to go on my main page, but I can't quite find out how to do that, I thought INCLUDE_GRAPH would take care of that.

My Doxyfile is as follows:
PROJECT_NAME = Basketball Manager
FILE_PATTERNS = *.cpp *.h
And here's one of my main class headers:
#ifndef GAME_H
#define GAME_H

#include "ticpp.h"
#include "Team.h"
#include "Time.h"
#include "Person.h"
#include "GameEvent.h"

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

class Game;

class GameEvent;

class Game {
        /*!Number of Home Timeouts for the Scoreboard*/
        int homeTimeouts;
        /*!Number of Away Timeouts for the Scoreboard*/
        int awayTimeouts;
        /*!Tracks the period for foul and timeout resets*/
        int halfTimeouts;
        /*!Time of the last recorded GameEvent for the scoreboard*/
        Time boardTime;

        /*!Default constructor*/

        /*!Constructor from objects
        * \param l Location of game
        * \param home Home Team
        * \param away away Team
	Game(const string l,  Team *home,  Team *away);

        /*!Constructor from an XML element
        * \param element top XML element
        Game(const ticpp::Element &element);

        /*!Adds a GameEvent to the Game
        * \param event GameEvent to be added
	void addEvent(GameEvent* event);

        /*!Team accessor
        * \param name Name of the Team to get
        * \return Team pointer that matches the name
        const Team* getTeam(string name) const;

        /*!Creates an XML element for each GameEvent*/
	virtual ticpp::Element toXML() const;

        /*!Location accessor
        * \return Location of this Game
	const string getLocation();

        /*!Home Team accessor
        * \return Team pointer to the Home Team
	const Team*  getHome() const;

        /*!Away Team accessor
        * \return Team pointer to the Away Team
	const Team* getAway() const;

        /*!Prints a current scoreboard*/
        void toScoreboard();

        /*!Location of this Game*/
        string location;

        /*!Home Team of this Game*/
        Team*  homeTeam;

        /*!Away Team of this Game*/
	Team*  awayTeam;

        /*!A vector that holds all GameEvents of this Game*/
	vector<GameEvent* > events;
        /*!A vector that holds all the Home Players of this Game*/
	vector<Player *> homePlayers; // just those currently playing

        /*!A vector that holds all the Away Players of this Game*/
        vector<Player *> awayPlayers; // just those currently playing

        /*!Whether the Home Team is in bonus*/
        string homeBonus;

        /*!Whether the Away Team is in bonus*/
        string awayBonus;

        /*!Home Team's score*/
        int homeScore;

        /*!Away Team's score*/
        int awayScore;

        /*!Number of Home fouls for current half*/
        int homeFouls;

        /*!Number of Away fouls for current half*/
        int awayFouls;

        /*!Number of Home fouls*/
        int homeTotalFouls;

        /*!Number of Away fouls*/
        int awayTotalFouls;


#endif /*GAME_H*/
Any help would be great, thank you.