
Type: Posts; User: yang

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  1. things about realese memory for characters array and array of char array

    :devil:im stuck in the memory problem

    char string[10];
    while (fgets(string, 10, stdin) != NULL)
    //printf string

    // printf string[7]
  2. i tried it, !isprint() is same as < ' ' thx~

    i tried it, !isprint() is same as < ' '

  3. is it? thats nice.. thx ogaga

    is it? thats nice.. thx ogaga
  4. while reading a text, how to find the asicii control characters and then display them

    this will run just like "cat -v filename"

    if there is some control characters in the filename, such like control A, control B...

    normal these control characters is not able to print out, but...
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