
Type: Posts; User: Garfield

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  1. Replies

    Nope, didn't work. :( Any other ideas? I'm...

    Nope, didn't work. :( Any other ideas? I'm getting desparate now.
  2. Replies

    Any ideas? Do you need to see more code? Please...

    Any ideas? Do you need to see more code? Please help. :(
  3. Replies

    Problem showing item in TreeView

    My application uses a TreeView control and I'm having trouble showing an item. The program compiles perfectly fine, but when I run it, there isn't the item in the TreeView like I thought I...
  4. Okay, I'll download the full version. But what...

    Okay, I'll download the full version. But what do I do to install it? It will automatically overwrite the current one? I should backup my app files before I do that too.
  5. Well, I searched the .h file and there is no...

    Well, I searched the .h file and there is no TVINSERTSTRUCT. What now?
  6. Yes, I included commctrl.h. But whats that...

    Yes, I included commctrl.h. But whats that _WIN32_IE about? What is it, and what is the value supposed to be? I'll search commctrl.h, but what if it doesn't have the necessary constants? What am...
  7. Problem recognizing TreeView constants, etc.

    In my program, I am using a Tree View control, but I'm having trouble getting it going. You see, it doesn't recognize the constants like TVINSERTSTRUCT and other parts of the Tree View.

    And since...
  8. Replies

    This worked perfectly! Thanks!!

    This worked perfectly! Thanks!!
  9. Replies

    And that will stop the process of the application...

    And that will stop the process of the application as well as destroy the window(s)?

    And, using that PostMessage function in the dialog procedure, that means I'm going to have to get the handle to...
  10. Replies

    Exiting program from secondary dialog

    Okay, I have a main window that is created on startup. Then with the press of a button, it goes into a dialog box to do everything, etc. But, I want to have an option in the menu of the dialog box...
  11. Replies

    Tree View control not appearing

    In my program, I am using a Tree View control. Well, I thought I did everything that is needed to just show the Tree View (I have not coded to actually add elements yet, but I just want to see that...
  12. Yeah, after I posted this I did track it down to...

    Yeah, after I posted this I did track it down to the registration of the class. I think I have it working now.
  13. Okay, I really slimmed it down to a couple of...

    Okay, I really slimmed it down to a couple of functions (calling, creating, handling) where the problem probably is. Here is the source file. So, what is wrong?

    Here you go:
  14. Problem with creating new window, from another window

    Okay, here is the problem. My program is designed to start up, as any usual program does. It has the initial window (created as usual). But instead of going to a dialog from there, I decided to...
  15. Replies

    But how would I first check if the file already...

    But how would I first check if the file already exists?
  16. Replies

    FILES in WinAPI

    Okay, here is what I have to do. Work with files. But the thing is, should I use API functions or just standard c functions for this?

    And also, a question about it (which ever way I decide to...
  17. Replies

    Yes, I am subclassing. Is this why my other edit...

    Yes, I am subclassing. Is this why my other edit is acting strangely?
  18. Replies

    But this would only make the text ONE color. I...

    But this would only make the text ONE color. I want to be able to use different colors in the same static.

    And how come a text box doesn't handle the "\t" char?

    Also, my other text box (has...
  19. Replies

    I'll change it to an EDIT with READONLY. ...

    I'll change it to an EDIT with READONLY. Hopefully somebody can chime in on the color changing for this then... :D
  20. Replies

    a couple of STATIC control questions

    Okay, I have a multi-line static control. But when I put in more text than viewable on screen, the scroll bar is still ineffective. What do I have to do to get the scroll bar on the static working?...
  21. Replies

    But if I have this ES_WANTRETURN, how would that...

    But if I have this ES_WANTRETURN, how would that work? How will I know when ENTER is hit?
  22. Replies

    ADDING text to a STATIC control

    I have a static control, and when the user does something, I want to ADD text to it. I don't think I can use the set text function, because I do want to keep the text that is already there. I just...
  23. Replies

    Hitting enter while FOCUS on an EDIT

    Okay, I have a single line edit. And when the user types something, for example "bunny rabbit" and then they hit ENTER to enter it, how would I be able to capture this ENTER from the edit box to...
  24. But how do I handle this message? What about it?

    But how do I handle this message? What about it?
  25. Need to set EDIT background BLACK and EDIT text WHITE

    How would I do this? I created it normally, with CreateWindow, but how do I change the background of the EDIT to black and the text of the EDIT to white?

    Thanks! :D
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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