Thread: Casting a struct for sending to socket

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Casting a struct for sending to socket

    Hi Guys

    I am trying to send a struct to a UDP socket, but I'm not entirely sure how to cast the structure.

    struct CONNECT_REQUEST {
    	char headersize ;//	= 0x06;		//static EIB header size
    	char protocolversion;//	= 0x10;		//protocol version (1.0)
    	char servicetype[1];//	= 0x0205;	//service type in this case a connect_request
    	char totallength[1];//	= 0x0018;	//total length (24 byte)
    	char controllength;//	= 0x08;		//HPAI header for control endpoint
    	char protocoltype;//	= 0x01;		//0x01 UDP, 0x02 TCP
    	char IPcontrol[3];//;			//four chars for conrtol endpoint IP
    	char portcontrol[1];//			//two chars for control endpoint port must be gleaned during discovery
    	char datalength	;//	= 0x08;		//HPAI header length for data endpoint
    	char IPdata[3];	//			//fours chars for data endpoint IP use same IP as control endpoint
    	char portdata[1];//	= 0x0e57;	//set data port to 3671 default for EIB
    	char connectheader;//	= 0x02;		//connection type structue length
    	char connecttype;//	= 0x04;		//connection type in this case tunnelling may need 2 extra bytes.
    struct CONNECT_REQUEST connect;					//creat struct called connect of type CONNECT_REQUEST
      /* construct CONNECT_REQUEST structure */
      connect.headersize		= 0x06;		//static EIB header size
      connect.protocolversion	= 0x10;		//protocol version (1.0)
      connect.servicetype[1]	= 0x02,0x05;	//service type in this case a connect_request
      connect.totallength[1]	= 0x00,0x18;	//total length (24 byte)
      connect.controllength		= 0x08;		//HPAI header for control endpoint
      connect.protocoltype		= 0x01;		//0x01 UDP, 0x02 TCP
      connect.IPcontrol[0] = oca, connect.IPcontrol[1] = ocb, connect.IPcontrol[2] = occ, connect.IPcontrol[2] = ocd;//set IP endpoint
      connect.portcontrol[0] = recv_str[12]&255, connect.portcontrol[13]&255;		//set port number for control endpoint
      connect.datalength		= 0x08;		//HPAI header length for data endpoint
      connect.IPdata[0] = oca, connect.IPdata[1] = ocb, connect.IPdata[2] = occ, connect.IPdata[3] = ocd;//set data end point IP
      connect.portdata[1]		= 0x0e,0x57;	//set data port to 3671 default for EIB
      connect.connectheader		= 0x02;		//connection type structue length
      connect.connecttype		= 0x04;		//connection type in this case tunneling 04
      if ((sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0)					//Creat UDP socket
    	DieWithError("UDP socket creation failed\n");
      /* construct UDP address structure */
      memset(&udp_addr, 0, sizeof(udp_addr));					//set udp_addr struct to 000's using memset
      udp_addr.sin_family      = AF_INET;						//set family type to AF_INET
      udp_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl((oca,'.',ocb,'.',occ,'.',ocd));		//set address as any
      udp_addr.sin_port        = htons(mc_port);					//set the port as the same multi cast port
      if ((sendto(sock, &connect, sizeof(connect), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &udp_addr, sizeof(mc_addr))) != sizeof(connect)) 	//send data to socket
    	DieWithError("sendto() sent incorrect number of bytes");
    This code compiles, but I get the error Invalid argument when sending to the socket. I have also tried casting to a pointer, but this gives an error when comilping.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Jack of many languages Dino's Avatar
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    char servicetype[1];//	= 0x0205;	//service type in this case a connect_request
    char totallength[1];//	= 0x0018;	//total length (24 byte)
    char IPcontrol[3];//;			//four chars for conrtol endpoint IP
    char portcontrol[1];//			//two chars for control endpoint port must be gleaned during discovery
    char IPdata[3];	//			//fours chars for data endpoint IP use same IP as control endpoint
    char portdata[1];//	= 0x0e57;	//set data port to 3671 default for EIB
    Methinks you are off in your count a few places.
    Last edited by Dino; 04-08-2008 at 07:28 AM.
    Mainframe assembler programmer by trade. C coder when I can.

  3. #3
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    char IPcontrol[3];		//four chars for conrtol endpoint IP
    char IPdata[3];			//fours chars for data endpoint IP use same IP as control endpoint
    char portdata[1];             //set data port to 3671 default for EIB
    because they are not strings i.e not terminated with \0 can I not just use the array elements [0].[1],[2] and [3]. giving me the 4 required characters.
    Last edited by chrisjmoss; 04-08-2008 at 07:41 AM.

  4. #4
    Jack of many languages Dino's Avatar
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    In this case,
    char IPcontrol[3];
    you are saying the array is 3 bytes long, plain and simple. If you want it to be 4 bytes long, code
    char IPcontrol[4];
    I think you are confusing array length with array indexing. The highest element when indexing a 4 byte array is 3, as in:
    IPcontrol[0] (the 1st element) 
    IPcontrol[1] (the 2nd element) 
    IPcontrol[2] (the 3rd element) 
    IPcontrol[3] (the 4th element)
    Mainframe assembler programmer by trade. C coder when I can.

  5. #5
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    Todd thanks for the help thus far, I was being a bit of a div and got confused with array size and indexing, but I have sorted that out now.

    char servicetype[2];//	= 0x0205;	//service type in this case a connect_request
    	char totallength[2];//	= 0x0018;	//total length (24 byte)
    	char controllength;//	= 0x08;		//HPAI header for control endpoint
    	char protocoltype;//	= 0x01;		//0x01 UDP, 0x02 TCP
    	char IPcontrol[4];//;			//four chars for conrtol endpoint IP
    	char portcontrol[2];//			//two chars for control endpoint port must be gleaned during discovery
    	char datalength	;//	= 0x08;		//HPAI header length for data endpoint
    	char IPdata[4];	//			//fours chars for data endpoint IP use same IP as control endpoint
    	char portdata[2];//
    I'm still having having issues sending the structure with the sendto function do I need to cast from the structure or create a pointer to it.

     struct CONNECT_REQUEST connect;					//creat struct called connect of type CONNECT_REQUEST
    if ((sendto(sock, &connect, sizeof(connect), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &udp_addr, sizeof(udp_addr))) != sizeof(connect)) 	//send data to socket
    	DieWithError("sendto() sent incorrect number of bytes");

  6. #6
    Jack of many languages Dino's Avatar
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    "issues" is a bit vague. We have no error messages to work with here.
    Mainframe assembler programmer by trade. C coder when I can.

  7. #7
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > connect.portdata[1] = 0x0e,0x57;
    Also, the comma operator does not incrementally assign each value to each successive array element.

    Also, check that your struct is actually the size you want.
    Using a struct like this to communicate with an external API is generally non-portable.

    unsigned char message[SOME_SIZE];
    message[MSG_HEADER_SIZE] = 0x06;
    message[MSG_PROTOCOL]    = 0x10;
    message[MSG_SERVICE_LSB] = 0x05;
    message[MSG_SERVICE_MSB] = 0x02;
    // and so on
    Tedious to be sure, but it's the only way to be sure of isolating yourself from padding, alignment and endian issues. Though TBH, a struct composed entirely of char should be OK.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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