I have been a windows user for a long time (far too long), and learned c++ using borland C++Builder 5. Although i am quite proficient at programming in that environment, i recently decided to try out linux (first Slackware 7, now Redhat 7.1).

Obviously, one of the things i tried was to write a program ("hello world..." you know the variety), just to get to know the way of doing things under linux better. To my surprise, i couldn't get cout and cin to work! (i /did/ #include <iostream>;) So I used gets() and puts() instead.

Now, i have read about cin and cout, but never had to use them, because of all the other nice features that builder has, like editboxes and so forth. Can someone please, oh very please show me sample "hello world" code, using cin and/or cout that works in linux?

As a side issue, how do I get rid of the GUI in redhat 7.1 - i want to work in a pure console (not an emulator)? The GUI is nice and dandy, but when i am working in linux, i really don't want to be reminded of windows!