Thread: Hard time having SDL and OpenGL work together

  1. #1
    Ethernal Noob
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    Nov 2001

    Hard time having SDL and OpenGL work together

    I have SDL files installed into my lib and include directories in mingw but when I go to compile my programs I get this message

    Z:\MinGW\lib/libSDLmain.a(SDL_win32_main.o): In function `console_main':/home/hercules/public_cvs/SDL/src/main/win32/SDL_win32_main.c:217: undefined reference to `SDL_main'
    I added the libraries SDLmain, SDL.dll and mingw32 to my linker settings but I'm still getting that error.

  2. #2
    Frequently Quite Prolix dwks's Avatar
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    Use [lib]SDLmain[.a] and [lib]SDL[.a]. Also try getting rid of SDL.dll.

    Also, the order of the libraries is important. If it doesn't work, try switching them around.

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  3. #3
    Ethernal Noob
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    I have a library file called libSDL.dll.a. There is also an file, do I need that I tried re-arranging every thing and I even copied the libraries used in the Code::blocks SDL template with no luck. In the order they have it there.
    Last edited by indigo0086; 07-04-2007 at 02:00 PM.

  4. #4
    Frequently Quite Prolix dwks's Avatar
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    Okay. Well, I never actually got the SDL working properly with Dev-C++. The closest I came is this: That is, passing "-lSDL.dll -lSDL -lSDLmain" to the command line. But it means that you have to use WinMain() instead of main(). For portability with Linux systems, I usually go
    #ifdef WIN32
    INT STDCALL WinMain(...) {
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    However, these days I compile my SDL programs with MinGW 3.4.2 from the command line. Here's a Makefile (I call the Windows versions Makewin, as you may have noticed, and use make.bat which calls make.exe -f Makewin) from a recent project (Sail the Seas is ancient):
    # Makefile for snip, Windows version
    SDLLIBPATH = C:/Dev-C_~2/Lib
    SDLINCPATH = C:/Dev-C_~2/Include/SDL
    CC = gcc
    CFLAGS = -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O2 -I$(SDLINCPATH) -L$(SDLLIBPATH)
    CLINK = -lm -lSDL.dll -lSDL -lSDL_image -lSDL_gfx
    OBJ = dsfont.o graphics.o main.o menu.o
    TARGET = snip.exe
    # Default target: all
    all: $(TARGET)
    # Executable files
    $(TARGET): $(OBJ)
    	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -s -o $(TARGET) $(OBJ) $(CLINK)
    debug: $(OBJ)
    	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -g -o $(TARGET) $(OBJ) $(CLINK)
    # Source files
    dsfont.o: includes.h dsfont.h graphics.h
    graphics.o: includes.h dsfont.h graphics.h
    main.o: includes.h dsfont.h graphics.h main.h
    menu.o: includes.h dsfont.h graphics.h menu.h
    # Other targets
    run: $(TARGET)
    runa: $(TARGET)
    	./$(TARGET) `line`
    rundebug: debug
    	gdb ./$(TARGET)
    	-rm $(TARGET) $(OBJ)
    (It's not actually called snip, I just removed the program's real name.)

    In other words, my linker options are -lm -lSDL.dll -lSDL -lSDL_image -lSDL_gfx, or -lSDL.dll -lSDL without the extra libraries.

    With that Makefile and the command-line MinGW 3.4.2, I can use int main(int argc, char *argv[]) in Windows and Linux.

    I don't know how things would stand with the latest version of Dev-C++ (I use an old version), or Code::Blocks. I imagine my latest version would work. -lSDL.dll -lSDL.

    Anyway, try something like that and see what happens. Throw in -lSDLmain. There's only 3! + 2! + 1! = 6 + 2 + 1 = 9 possible combinations, after all.
    Last edited by dwks; 07-04-2007 at 02:12 PM.

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  5. #5
    Ethernal Noob
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    It's still not working. Is there an alternative to using audio with opengl

  6. #6
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