Thread: Need testers for editor

  1. #16
    Supermassive black hole cboard_member's Avatar
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    Good class architecture is not like a Swiss Army Knife; it should be more like a well balanced throwing knife.

    - Mike McShaffry

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    I'll test the OSX port
    Same here

  3. #18
    I am me, who else?
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    Wow thats a good looking app Bubba, count me in for testing if you need some help. Do you want full on "Come at it with everything" or just "use this in a normal way and don't place it on the rack" sort of test?

    Send me a pm if you want me to test.

  4. #19
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    Good looking because you don't know about all the obvious bugs I must fix prior to release.

    Seriously, thanks though. I've put a lot of thought into this redesign and yet no matter what I do, MFC and Win32 code ends up looking like a giant mess. Win32 is just not suited for object oriented programming. We don't need .NET and we don't need more frameworks. We need an operating system that is truly object oriented in nature.

    Hopefully Vista will be just that.

  5. #20
    Shibby willc0de4food's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba
    Hopefully Vista will be just that.

    Registered Linux User #380033. Be counted:

  6. #21
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    Ill test,as long as it doesnt crash my computer...
    and i really dont care about the source because i would go crazy over understanding like the first line haha

  7. #22
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    It will most likely crash and/or throw exceptions. Since XP runs applications inside of a 'fence' so to speak, it should not affect anything.

    But 'testing' in it's very nature means reporting bugs and those bugs may crash your system.

    Kind of a misnomer there don't you think?

  8. #23
    Registered User Frobozz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba
    Hopefully Vista will be just that.
    I was under the impression Microsoft wanted developers to use .NET for Vista application programming.

  9. #24
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    you said crashed the source did that mean you had to reprogram it from scratch? whoa thats rough

  10. #25
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    This version has been re-programmed from scratch. In order to correctly port from VC6 to 2005 I had to make significant changes to the source code.

  11. #26
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    Bubba I am assumming this is the one you wrote in MFC. May I ask why you didn't chose C#? It is pretty nifty. I don't know the full capabilies of it but I think it could handle things of this nature

  12. #27
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    I didn't choose C# because I don't have time to learn it right now. I'll probably buy some books on it soon, but for this project I really need to get the editor to the map makers.

    I'm quite anxious to get the maps up and running. So far we have all the pieces of the engine nearly complete. All that's left to do is create the maps based on paper designs, write some test level scripts, select the sound fx and music, and let the thing run its course.
    Very interested to see how the script interacts with the engine. I know how it's supposed to work, but 'supposed' to and 'will' may be two different things.

    Lots of work has gone into both the engine and the editor with the primary focus having been on correct and efficient resource management as well as a highly optimized render loop, which isn't the easiest thing to do for 2D in a 3D API.

    Switching to C# mid-course would only cause further delays with no added benefit from the start. There are 3 fan games planned for this series so perhaps I will use C# for those editors. However, I will probably just add functionality to the C++/MFC editor.

    Still having problems with the doggone tilesheet. Problem is that a tile sheet will not display if no pages have been added. But after you have 1 page and then call SetActivePage(), it displays itself. No biggie until I realize my tile renderer window for the tile page needs to use GetClientRect() to figure out it's dimensions. Well GetClientRect() will fail if m_hWnd is not a valid handle and if the property sheet is not displaying, it will throw and exception. I've gotten around it but now the tile sheet disappears which isn't cool. Last time I had this working but in a different design. Not sure what to do as of yet.

    To give you an idea of the complexity here I'll show you the code for OnFileImportBMP() which is called when the user selects File->Import->BMP. This is the method you use to import new bitmaps into the editor. The editor will then extract tiles of a pre-set tile height and width (in editor options) from the bitmap. Once this is done, the next time the project is loaded, they will appear w/o having to import the bitmap.

    void CMainFrame::OnImportBmp()
      //Common file dialog
      CFileDialog *dlg=new CFileDialog(true,
                                       L"Windows bitmaps (*.bmp)|*.bmp|");
      INT_PTR result=dlg->DoModal();
      if (result==IDOK)
        //Get pointer to active document
        CTileEditorDoc *pDoc=(CTileEditorDoc *)GetActiveDocument();
        //Get current number of tiles
        DWORD dwNumTiles=m_pDoc->m_pTileMgr->GetVecSize();
        //Debug message box
        AfxMessageBox(L"Adding tiles");
        //Add tiles from image and return bitmap dimensions in size
        CSize size=pDoc->m_pTileMgr->AddFromImage(dlg->GetPathName(),m_pView);
        //Set some local vars for later use
        int iTileH=m_pDoc->m_pTileMgr->GetHeight();
        int iTileW=m_pDoc->m_pTileMgr->GetWidth();      
        //If tile sheet does not exist, we must use the following code
        //otherwise we must use a different method    
        if (!m_pTileSheet)
          //Construct tile sheet object
          m_pTileSheet=new CTileSheet(L"Tile palette",this);
          //Create new map manager for tile sheet and pass on doc tile mgr
          //Add 1 map to the map manager 
          //Size is computed from return values from AddFromImage()
          //Fill map with values from 0 to dwNumTiles
          //Create tile page
          CTilePalettePg *pg=new CTilePalettePg;
          //Add page to tile sheet and to vector for later cleanup
          //Debug message
          AfxMessageBox(L"Creating tile sheet");
          //Create tile sheet as layered tool window
          m_pTileSheet->Create(this,-1,WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW | WS_SYSMENU);
          //Set active page -> if property sheet is not visible at this time,
          //this will make it visible
          AfxMessageBox(L"Setting active page");
          //First, remove CLOSE from system menu
          CMenu *pMenu=m_pTileSheet->GetSystemMenu(FALSE);
          pMenu->EnableMenuItem(SC_CLOSE,MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED);
          //Since window is now visible, client rects are valid
          //So init the renderer for the new tile page
          //Since the tile sheet is valid, now set it's alpha
          //Redraw entire view beneath tile sheet
          //Add 1 map to map manager
          //Fill map with correct values
          //Create tile page
          CTilePalettePg *pg=new CTilePalettePg;
          //Add page to tile sheet and select it to view it
          //Since window is now visible, client rects are valid
          //So init the renderer for the new tile page
       //Assign filename as title of our tab in tab control 
       CTabCtrl *pTab=m_pTileSheet->GetTabControl();
        TCITEM item;
        CString strTitle=dlg->GetFileTitle();
        int     sizeOfString = (strTitle.GetLength() + 1);
        LPTSTR  lpsz = new TCHAR[ sizeOfString ];
        _tcscpy_s(lpsz, sizeOfString, strTitle);
        delete [] lpsz;
        //Redraw entire view
        //Set focus back to the view away from the tilesheet
        //Update list 
        //This is a hack for right now since docking window system is not fully functional
        //Dock window 0 is the only dock window for this app
        //Dock dialog #1 inside of dock window #0 is always tile list
        //Update it's list control to reflect new bitmaps added
        //Get pointer to tile list dialog object
        CTileListDlg *pTileListDlg=(CTileListDlg *)m_pToolsDlg->m_ptabMyTabCtrl->GetPage(1);
        //Update it's list to reflect all tiles loaded in memory
       //Delete the common dialog object
      delete dlg;
    The reason for the complexity is that the document is the sole owner of the tiles and of the tile maps. However, the maps being used to display the tile pages in the tile sheet are owned by the tile sheet object. Each map layer represents one tile page. This way I can use the same map class as the main tile map, and yet gain different functionality.

    - CTileMgr
    - CMapMgr

    - CTileMgr (pointer to CTileEditorDoc::CTileMgr)
    - CMapMgr (this object is not CTileEditorDoc::CMapMgr)
    - std::vector<CTilePalettePg *> m_vTilePages - vector of pages that have been added to the tile sheet

    CTileMgr is a CGDITileMgr object which manages a collection of CGDITile objects.

    CMapMgr is a CMapMgr2D object which manages a collection of CMap2D objects.
    Last edited by VirtualAce; 07-04-2006 at 03:54 AM.

  13. #28
    Registered User
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    ya sooo when do we get to try it?

  14. #29
    Supermassive black hole cboard_member's Avatar
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    "It's done, when it's done" - JC

    Somehow feels appropriate here.
    Good class architecture is not like a Swiss Army Knife; it should be more like a well balanced throwing knife.

    - Mike McShaffry

  15. #30
    Registered User
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    Sep 2005
    i thought it was done?it just needed testers

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