Thread: Program starting to become laggy...

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Shamino

    I can't see how that is slowing me down
    Sorry that had nothing to do with the speed, I was just letting you know.

  2. #17
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    The loops are most certainly killing your code. Let's look at this loop:

    for (int i=0;i<100;i++)
      //Statement A
      for (int j=0;j<100;j++)
         //Statement B 
         for (int k=0;k<100;k++)
            //statement C
    Ok each loop goes from 0 to n so each loop is considered n.
    With two loops you get n*n or n^2. With three loops you get n*n*n or n^3. This is horrible. The inner most loop (the k loop) takes more time than any of the other loops to execute, because it executes not 100 times, not 1000 times, but 100*100*100 times. The j loop executes 100*100 times and the i loop executes 100 times.

    All those loops are not necessary to draw a grid like that. One quad is two triangles and one quad is created by creating two triangles. But forget the triangles. How would you draw this assuming we have our own C library function called DrawSquare() and a function called DrawLine().

    void Square(int left,int top,int right,int bottom)
    void DrawGrid(int left,int top,int right,int bottom,int cellw,int cellh)
      for (int i=left;i<right;i+=cellw)
        for (int j=top;j<bottom;j+=cellh)
    Ok this draws the same thing you have but with a whole lot less code. You can also eliminate the inner J loop if you test the current X position of the grid cell against the (left+right) position of the right side of the grid.

    Now for OpenGL. All you have to do is essentially what I've done in plain C code. Draw the grid the same and the vertices for each quad in the grid are:

    Vertex 0 - Upper left - (i,j)
    Vertex 1 - Upper right - (i+cellw,j)
    Vertex 2 - Lower left - (i,j+cellh)
    Vertex 3 - Lower right - (i+cellw,j+cellh)

    And for the indexes to create the triangles - Assuming counter clockwise culling - face vertices are ordered in clockwise fashion when looking at the front of the face

    Triangle 1 = 0,1,2
    Triangle 2 = 1,3,2

    Look at my DirectX code and you will see I created a completely flat grid using the same method I just explained to you.

    The problem with your code is you are using 2 for loops for the grid, and 1 for loop for each row in the grid, and it looks like maybe even 1 for loop for each column in the grid. Take all that stuff out and start over.

    Your problem: Too many loops and incorrect use of the API. You create the vertex list, save it, and display it later. Don't create it on the fly....ever, unless you have an optimized renderer - like one based on BSPs or quad trees.

    There is a recursive way to create your grid as well.

    void CreateGrid(int left,int top,int right,int bottom,int size)
      if (right-left>=size) return;
    And don't take your beast of a CPU for granted. Sloppy code can still bring it to its knees.

    try this:

    float BI(float v1,float v2,float v3,float v4,float f1,float f2)
       float val1=v1+f1*(v2-v1);
       float val2=v3+f1*(v4-v3);
       return (val1+f2*(val2-val1));
    void CrappoAlgo(int v1,int v2,int v3,int v4,float f1,float f2)
      for (int i=0;i<v1;i++)
        for (int j=0;j<v2;j++)
          for (int k=0;k<v3;k++)
            for (int l=0;l<v4;l++)
              float value=BI((float)i,(float)j,(float)k,(float)l,f1,f2);
    See how long that takes to execute - even on your super CPU.
    All that power means nothing if you use it incorrectly.
    Last edited by VirtualAce; 10-07-2005 at 08:22 PM.

  3. #18
    Absent Minded Programmer
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    May 2005
    the loops are functioning as I intend them to...

    we need 3 sections of 392

    which is 14x28

    then we need 3 nights

    so its doing 3(3*18*28)

    Note that it only renders 392 at a time, its not showing them all...

    , but it is rendering them on the fly, which i believe is the pinpoint of my problem...

    I only use that giant loop to do save functions, and to give information to the parts of the array, and then I use it to create 392 boxes at a time
    Last edited by Shamino; 10-07-2005 at 11:06 PM.

  4. #19
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    May 2004
    I only use that giant loop to do save functions, and to give information to the parts of the array, and then I use it to create 392 boxes at a time
    But that is why it is slowing down. I was doing a similar thing on a project of mine until Bubba showed me otherwise.

  5. #20
    Absent Minded Programmer
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    Hmm let me reallly think this through

    for 3

    for 14

    for 28....

    so it does the 28 14 times..

    and then that 3 times... 1176, exactly correct... what i need it to be....... and then i have 3 instances of this class, so 3*1176, = 3528, enough seats to go for 3 nights, 3 sections in each night, 392 in each section

    otherwise, if it was going over, wouldnt i get errors for adding to my array on the fly? since int i, j, k, are all inside the body of the loop in general, inside the array, if i went over what the array was set for s[3][14][28].... wouldn't i get an error?

  6. #21
    Absent Minded Programmer
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    so you mean, avoid loops of 3000+?????

    because they lag?

    urgh.... that blows!

    Hmm, well its not looping near 4000 times that is slowing me down, i made a tiny program with my same loops just adding += 1 to a variable each time... its done in less than 3 seconds....

    soo, i'll be assuming, its the fact that i'm also drawing a square, giving it a boolean value, and a seatnum, all at the same time, 3528 times, in a row, in rapid succession.... not just the fact that i loop 3528 times...

    Last edited by Shamino; 10-08-2005 at 12:16 AM.

  7. #22
    Deprecated Dae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shamino
    so you mean, avoid loops of 3000+?????

    because they lag?

    urgh.... that blows!

    Hmm, well its not looping near 4000 times that is slowing me down, i made a tiny program with my same loops just adding += 1 to a variable each time... its done in less than 3 seconds....

    soo, i'll be assuming, its the fact that i'm also drawing a square, giving it a boolean value, and a seatnum, all at the same time, 3528 times, in a row, in rapid succession.... not just the fact that i loop 3528 times...

    No, its only the printf.
    Warning: Have doubt in anything I post.

    GCC 4.5, Boost 1.40, Code::Blocks 8.02, Ubuntu 9.10 010001000110000101100101

  8. #23
    Absent Minded Programmer
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    I guess i can see the printf function being a bit slow... seeing as how it has to go through every single letter to find out which one i need etc etc....

    Are there any suggestions, simply put, to help my program out?

  9. #24
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    Argue with me all you want but you are approaching this render completely wrong. There is a better way. You don't need 3 loops of anything.

    The loops are your problem. Period. Too many damn loops. Kill em.

    That terrain I created is fifty times more complex than that screenshot you provided. I'm getting well over 100 fps with a pure-brute force algorithm. During the render there are NO loops. None nada zilch. Don't stick a bunch of for loops inside of a render function. It ain't gonna work man. essence you don't need all that crap. When you really feel like fixing the problem instead of arguing about your crappy slow-ass algo....come back and post. Till then enjoy your lag.

    If the loops are working just as you intended...and just by looking at your code....what you intended is not what you need.
    Last edited by VirtualAce; 10-08-2005 at 07:07 PM.

  10. #25
    & the hat of GPL slaying Thantos's Avatar
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    If an algorithm works but has too high of a "cost" then you need to rethink the algorithm. Yes your function might be what you intended, but due to the cost you need to rethink it.

  11. #26
    Absent Minded Programmer
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    Jee bubba be nice, i was just saying those loops are functioning the way I want them, whether it was what was slowing me down all this much was my problem....

    Soooo, turn those loops into a square with "cells" that determine how big the lines are, instead of looping... looping a renderer = bad... k... got it... What if i were to single handedly write out those 3528 quads? would it still be slow? (i know this isnt the way to do it either, but im just curious)

    Can i still do click detection with a loop?

  12. #27
    Absent Minded Programmer
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    Isnt, um, that thing you posted bubba, with the 2 for loops, isnt that basically a render loop? only smaller?

    teehee, don't mind me, i agree that that is my problem, but its going to cause me to rewrite my entire program to some extent

  13. #28
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    I'm done with this thread. Do some research.

  14. #29
    Absent Minded Programmer
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    	glLoadIdentity();										// Reset The Current Modelview Matrix
    	for (loop1=0; loop1<11; loop1++)						// Loop From Left To Right
    		for (loop2=0; loop2<11; loop2++)					// Loop From Top To Bottom
    			glColor3f(0.0f,0.5f,1.0f);						// Set Line Color To Blue
    			if (hline[loop1][loop2])						// Has The Horizontal Line Been Traced
    				glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);					// If So, Set Line Color To White
    			if (loop1<10)									// Dont Draw To Far Right
    				if (!hline[loop1][loop2])					// If A Horizontal Line Isn't Filled
    					filled=FALSE;							// filled Becomes False
    				glBegin(GL_LINES);							// Start Drawing Horizontal Cell Borders
    					glVertex2d(20+(loop1*60),70+(loop2*40));// Left Side Of Horizontal Line
    					glVertex2d(80+(loop1*60),70+(loop2*40));// Right Side Of Horizontal Line
    				glEnd();									// Done Drawing Horizontal Cell Borders
    			glColor3f(0.0f,0.5f,1.0f);						// Set Line Color To Blue
    			if (vline[loop1][loop2])						// Has The Horizontal Line Been Traced
    				glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);					// If So, Set Line Color To White
    			if (loop2<10)									// Dont Draw To Far Down
    				if (!vline[loop1][loop2])					// If A Verticle Line Isn't Filled
    					filled=FALSE;							// filled Becomes False
    				glBegin(GL_LINES);							// Start Drawing Verticle Cell Borders
    					glVertex2d(20+(loop1*60),70+(loop2*40));// Left Side Of Horizontal Line
    					glVertex2d(20+(loop1*60),110+(loop2*40));// Right Side Of Horizontal Line
    				glEnd();									// Done Drawing Verticle Cell Borders
    Is this a render loop?
    Last edited by Shamino; 10-13-2005 at 09:16 AM.

  15. #30
    Absent Minded Programmer
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    omg Yes, that is a render loop, i think, because...

    omg, all I gotta do is create a display list for 1 quad, and then loop it 14x28 times to throw it on the screen, it doesnt have to create a new quad every time, just translate it so I have my grid.....

    Display lists 4tw, nehe 4tw!

    hmm, okay.... it's still slow.... definately not a stroke of genius here..... hummm....

    Question, If I were to write out 392 quads, the long way, no loops, no nothing, would it still be lagging?
    Last edited by Shamino; 10-13-2005 at 09:47 AM.

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