This book was BARLY used. I tried to use it but I didn't understand c++ enough to do it. Here is sum info...

Book Name: Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus: Advanced 3D Graphics and Rasterization

Author: Andre LaMothe

Description: This book teaches how to make a 3D engin in C and C++. It comes with a CD wich has...

-Evaluation versions of popular game dev tools
-Compleat sourcecode for book
-DirectX 9.0 SDK
-Royalty-free stock media.

The book has these features...

-The most advanced real-time software engine ever to be
developed in a book
-Takes you form pixel plotting and wireframe 3D to full 13-bit RGB z-buffered 3D Engines
-Learn advanced optimization and coding techniques
-Advanced topics such as 1/z buffering, mip-mapping, alpha blending, texture filtering, spatial partinoning, shadowing and lights, and more!!!

Covers: Windows Game Programming
Catagory: Programming
User level: Intermedate-advanced


Originle price $49.99

I'm selling it for: $35.00 + shipping and tax

please send a request to

[email protected]
or AIM me at
