I've implemented gravity in what probably a non-standard way, but the calculus involved in actual rigid-body physics is too much math for me at my current ability.

CBall is my Ball class containing x and y positions, and x and y velocities. I have a vector of CBall pointers. I process them in this function named 'Gravity' detailed below.

I was curious to any comment at all on how to improve my design, or a new direction. This function runs once per frame, and processes every CBall pointed to in vpCBall (vector of pointers to CBall).

void Gravity(vector<CBall*> &vpCBall, int Gravity_Setting, sf::String &Text)
    // Is gravity on?
    if (Gravity_Setting == WEIGHTLESS) return;

    // Iterate through the CBall list
    // Reset Active Balls counter each loop
    int ActiveBalls = 0;
    for (vector<CBall*>::iterator iter = vpCBall.begin(); iter != vpCBall.end(); ++iter)
        if((*iter)->AtRest) continue;
        // Spreed: Copy the Class members to local variables
        float x_pos = (*iter)->x_pos;
        float x_vel = (*iter)->x_vel;
        float y_pos = (*iter)->y_pos;
        float y_vel = (*iter)->y_vel;

        y_vel += GRAVITY; //0.82
        y_pos += y_vel;

        x_vel *= DRAG; // 0.995
        x_pos += x_vel;

        // If Collided with Floor...
        if (y_pos > SCREEN_BOTTOM)
            // Reverse momentum - albeit weaker (80-95% strength)
            y_vel *= -INERTIA; // 0.95

            // Is Kinetic energy exhausted?
            // Note: Cutoff must be less than GRAVITY
            // Reason: This section takes care of the problem of the "vibrating" balls.
            // No point to vibrating balls, so after a CUTOFF in movement in
            // the x and y axis, simply zero out both and mark it AtRest=true
            assert(CUTOFF < GRAVITY);
            if (fabs(y_vel) < CUTOFF && fabs(x_vel) < CUTOFF)
                //cout << "Resting Ball..." << endl;
                x_vel = 0;
                y_vel = 0;
                (*iter)->AtRest = true;

            // Set Ball to just above floorline
            // Reason: This garuntees the ball will not be caught next time
            // through the loop and re-considered for -another- immediate
            // velocity inversion
            y_pos = SCREEN_BOTTOM - 0.001;
        // Check Screen Bounds
        // Reason: If the balls roll off the screen to 105% of the screen
        // width, simply stop considering them for physics calculations.
        if (x_pos > (SCREEN_RIGHT * 1.05))
            x_vel = 0;
            y_vel = 0;
            (*iter)->AtRest = true;

        // Put the locals back into the Class
        (*iter)->x_pos = x_pos;
        (*iter)->x_vel = x_vel;
        (*iter)->y_pos = y_pos;
        (*iter)->y_vel = y_vel;
    // String stream used for screen message
    stringstream ss("");
    ss << "Active Balls: " << ActiveBalls << " / " << vpCBall.size();
There are some kludges, like artificially adjusting the y position after a velocity inversion (the part where I multiply y_vel by a negative INERTIA) so that the y_vel isn't flipped again on the following loop/frame.