If been trying to update a table in my SQL server 2000 database with data from an xml file. I've tried a load of different ideas but can't seem to find the best way in.

I eventually went for SqlBulkCopy which seemed to be the fastest way of loading a mass amount of data into SQLServer (SQLXMLBULKLOADLib doesn't appear to like dotnet 2.0)

So here is how I'm coding it
SqlConnection thisSQLConn = new SqlConnection(connectionstring);
            SqlBulkCopy thisBC = new SqlBulkCopy(thisSQLConn);
            DataSet thisDS = new DataSet();
            thisBC.DestinationTableName = "sqltable";
So, this seems to work alright and having discovered that it’s not possible to simple pass a dataset full of all my xml records I decided that I should do the update one record at a time, thus;

            foreach (DataTable table in dsStore.Tables["xmlparentnode"])
Well, apparently you can't use foreach statements like this

foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'system.data.datatable'
I'm a little stuck for a good way to...
1. Input my xml data without having to code every single column insert
2. Insert multiple records into the database

Here is the format of my xml

Any ideas?