So I am trying to learn C#...and I have the language specifications with me, so that is no problem.

I got the syntax and all that kind of stuff down easy.

The problem is the libraries. Where are they? Where are the standard libraries?!?!?

There is no "C# Doc" anywhere like there is a JavaDoc that outlines all the libraries for Java.

I see people using ArrayList when they include System.Collections in their code, but how do they know that ArrayList exists?

I don't see any documentation anywhere to what classes exist or what the standard library has! Where is the math library? Where is everything?

If ArrayList exists, I assume Stack, Queue, Tree, HashSet, and many others exist, just as they do in Java and the C++ STL library, but where??

I don't see any documentation anywhere telling me where everything is located and what there is available to use.

And is there a C# graphics library? What's the deal?

The language specification is great, but the C# library documentation is NON-EXISTENT. I need to know what libraries I have at my disposal before I can make anything. I don't want to have to re-invent the wheel.