Thread: array help

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    array help

    Hi im reading a book and stuck in arrays

    heres the fragment of code which i cant understand

     for ( int student = 0; student < students; student++ )
           cout << "Student " << setw( 2 ) << student + 1;
         // output student's grades
           for ( int test = 0; test < tests; test++ )
               cout << setw( 8 ) << grades[ student ][ test ];
           // call member function getAverage to calculate student's average;
           // pass row of grades and the value of tests as the arguments
           double average = getAverage( grades[ student ], tests );
           cout << setw( 9 ) << setprecision( 2 ) << fixed << average << endl;
         } // end outer for
      } // end function
    in the above code

    average = getAverage (grades[student], tests);

    grades is a ten by three 2D array

    so passing student which is the first dimension or you may say it the row, will this pass all the colunms (the elements of second dimension array ? )

  2. #2
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States
    >> so passing student which is the first dimension or you may say it the row, will this pass all the colunms (the elements of second dimension array ? )

    Yes, or more accurately, it passes the a pointer to the first element in the column you're interested in.
    If we map out your array it might look like
        0 1 2 
      0 X X X
    G 1 X X X
    R 2 X X X
    A 3 X X X
    D 4 X X X
    E 5 X X X
    S 6 X X X
      7 X X X
      8 X X X
      9 X X X
    So if you pass the correct column and column size, then you get to use all their scores in the mean calculation. Imagine for instance that you passed
    grades[1] to average(). That should be the same as a pointer to grades[1]'s first element: &grades[1][0].

    Well, that's how I look at it; I think I rotated your matrix, but it looks to me like the simplest orientation. HTH.

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